People in Recovery and Plants! (Part 1)

That one looks really cool but also like it would prick me in a second! I enjoy all your plants. Thank you for sharing them! La Gordita is still my favorite. I hope she gives another flower one day.

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Holy shit!!! Look at her!!!

Hahaha omg I’m laughing so hard!

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Sharing my collection is something I love doing. You better believe anyone who visits my apartment for the first time gets a cactus tour.

La Gordita is great. So unexpected, random $5 Home Depot purchase. Didn’t know about the flowers at the time. She has grown a lot. More flowers will come, but probably not until next spring/summer at this point :slight_smile:

One of the new domino cactus I bought has FOUR flower buds on it when I bought it. All four of them died and fell off before anything happened :upside_down_face:

Edit: meant to say, that cactus can’t really stick you too bad. The needles are weak and small. Earlier this week though, I was careless and got myself BAD with another cactus and I have like 5 needles stuck under my skin on my thumb. They’ll get pushed out eventually but it’s not pleasant at the moment


Good to see you T! :innocent:

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I repotted my silver pothos and now she’s doing amazing… she is making babies mid leg!!!


I figured I ought to play along :grimacing::rofl::heartpulse::green_heart::heartpulse:

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Aw that’s so great! Yay!!!

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Yay!!! So happy you found us!!

You’ve seen all these in the past 2 days so bear with me but I got some (what I think are) great photos after the repotting.

I really think this stenocactus could grow into specimen quality if I care for it properly. Of course a bit of luck involved too. That blueish center is really special, along with the pattern of the ribs.

I wanted to wait longer before giving the lithops their first watering after their mealy bug treatment and subsequent repotting - but the soil I put them in was dust dry and loaded with rocks. They were looking kinda pale so I figured, go for it. I’m winging this whole thing anyhow based on stuff I thought I read once :sweat_smile:

They look so beautiful after a soak. I really hope that’s a good sign.


Really beautiful.


This beauty unfurled overnight…


So pretty.

I was gifted my very first home grown forked leaf on this baby today! Only ever had single pointed oval leaves grow. Also just unfurled. I was watching closely 🫣 It’s a start! I’m thrilled!


Ah, beautiful new growth!! They do like a trim. I was always so reticent to trim plants (having grown up and gardened in the north, we were thankful for any growth in our short season)…but after moving to the southern part of our country several years, I learned that tropicals (such as your corn plant) appreciate a good haircut. One of the blessings of southern gardening, the long growing season. Enjoy!!

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Re-did my astrophytum asterias arrangement. It was too nice and symmetrical (I had put them in an ‘X’ shape), wanted something that looked a bit more natural.
They also had a mealy bug infestation. Pretty sure they’re what brought the mealies to my collection to begin with so I had to sanitize the roots. Hope they make it, it’s a very stressful process for them.
Got those big rocks from the landscaping around my apt, found a big rock about the same color as my gravel and smashed some chunks off :shushing_face:
Hell, I paid for those rocks with my rent, so as far as I’m concerned, THEM’S MINE.


Blooms! So cool. Edit: I finally found out this is named Algaonema aka Chinese Evergreen. I did know the nickname before.


One of my favorite little sections.
I am so grateful for my plant collection.

I also found another great cactus book in town today! This one is much less busy visually. Really happy with it.


Cat picture or plant picture?? :thinking:

These little plants have homes where they don’t get much sun, so I move them during the afternoon so that they don’t die. Inevitably Miss Kitty joins them. She doesn’t eat them, but she will sniff them. I’ve wondered if the plants, in their own way, enjoy her company as much as she seems to enjoy them.

The spotted succulents were given to me as a tiny fridge magnet plant. I’ve received a few of those over the years and they’ve all quickly outgrown the tiny planter they came in.


A fabulous title, to boot! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Oh gosh…

I might have done wrong by my dragon tail yesterday… we will see.

I had two you might remember; a one legged, loooooong leggy one that started to only give off single leaves. Then I had one hanging that was desperately looking for something to climb on. I decided to combine them yesterday and then I sectioned that long ass leg because it had huge aerial roots and plugged it into the dirt. Hahahah.
The one that was hanging did have two new leaves coming and now the tips are looking shitty probably because I repotted it… anyways we will see how they do. :crossed_fingers:


Eeeek! Good luck - sounds like you had a good plan. Grow, baby, grow! The portion I cut off has started growing roots in the water I put it in! I need to figure out what to do, whether to repot the whole plant back together in a larger pot so I can add a moss pole or what. :thinking:

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