Pet Peeves Anyone?

People standing in my personal space when we are chatting. They move closer I take a step back they move even closer I almost fall off cliff…BACK OFF PLEASE I DON’T NEED TO SEE YOUR FILLINGS WHEN WE TALK!


Oh yes… I don’t want to feel or smell your breath on my face when we talk.


When I’m trying to be myself and my brain slams the brakes on it. :man_shrugging:


Guilty of this as well :woman_facepalming::roll_eyes:

People who end their sentences with So…


Being interrupted - whether it is when I am talking, or when I am clearly right in the middle of doing something. Drives me straight up the wall…I am definitely NOT one of those people who can handle that shit with grace lmao.


Lol! This made my day


Yeees! Next time ask “Wanna kiss me or why are you this close?”

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People who tailgate and refuse to pass, people who drive absurdly slow in the fast lane and refuse to change lanes. People who go to the express checkout with a full shopping cart and the same people who dont invite you and your 1 item to go ahead of them. People who know everything…And my biggest one…people who dont say thank you when a door is held for them…
BTW, I pee however the mood strikes me but if im standing and i splatter, I put the seat down…:grin::grin:


Open shower curtains. And the M word…that describes something damp. :face_vomiting::nauseated_face:


I find a nice colour helps as well.

I have a poll I wanted to create about the fast lane and car pool lane. Wish I knew how to create poll lol

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Random capitalization.


Forgive my phone and its tiny screen!

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Oh, and not understanding that random means all eventualities are equal, it doesn’t mean something unexpected.

The way certain people laugh. I swear I’m not a mean person, but some of those laughs I just cringe when I hear them, lol! Other than that, I would say people who lie about very silly stuff because when I find out about it - Im just like why would you even lie about something like that? Like it will be about something no one would ever get mad at but they still lie. Maybe to see if they can get away with it, IDK. Strange but still one of my pet peeves🤷🏻‍♀️

That’s like my whole life with kids lol drives my crazy lol especially when I tell them all the time to just be honest, it will be so much easier!

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Exactly! I don’t get it. I’ve always been very truthful and very blunt. I don’t see any reason to lie at all.

I also wish you knew how to create a poll, I’m sure many of the answers would be very entertaining. However, in lieu of a poll… I’m usually treating both of them like they’re mine…:grin:

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Chewers…gum smackers, mouth breathers!
Right there with you! That is actually a reason I wouldn’t go on a second date with a seemingly really nice guy. :open_mouth:

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