Pet Peeves Anyone?

People who still write checks…seriously…you are holding up the line…cash or credit…


Oooh good call, Bill!

DON’T be the person going through self-checkout with a ton of shit.


Omg I thought I was the I only one who wants to kill when people whistle, tap, hum, chew or my special favourite 'sniff… sniffing drives me crazy with rage ! :joy::flushed::neutral_face:



Or who use phones, don’t turn off phones, or eat snacks with rustling packages. Basically any noise whatsoever that is not from the film. I take a hard line…!


You made me laugh out loud in the barber shop! Thanks @Gabe.G


Pet peeves of the urban variety:

Slow walkers. Particularly groups of slow walkers taking up the entire sidewalk. I got places to go and people to see. Single file folks. If you can’t move quickly then step aside!

Manspreaders on the subway. Every morning I see women smushed into tiny seats or else forced to stand because of men who have their legs open for the world taking up two and sometimes even three seats.

People who put their bags on seats on the train when others are standing.

People talking on their cell phones at the gym. Why, why are you at the gym???

People taking selfies at the gym. When did we all become so vain?

Cell phones going off in movies and at plays. Doesn’t matter how many times people are asked to turn off their phones.

People walking down crowded sidewalks while staring at their cell phones. My current policy is to clap my hands loudly in front of them when they get close. :grinning:


One thing that I really find disagreeable is when people say, usually in a facetious manner, that their OCD is acting up. OCD is a legitimate debilitating disorder, and people who suffer with it probably don’t appreciate you claiming you have it just because you strongly prefer to have a clean house, prefer that a picture is straight on the wall. I find it very insensitive, and if I hear someone say that, I will call them out on it.

I don’t know, if that’s wrong then I’ll just shutup.

Other than that, the sound of paper being creased makes me cringe and rage, but that is more of misophonia than a pet peeve.


Crying :joy: I have a friend ( female ) who snort swallows, and also in one evening mentioned wine 23 times!!! She knows I have quit drinking but still kept going on about it…


This is a good reminder about being thoughtful and sensitive to others. I am sure I have done this before and will try to be more conscious of not doing so in future. I have a similar response when people use the word “triggered” in a jokey way. For those of us with PTSD, the word “triggered” has a meaning that is real, clinical, and scary. I don’t mind if people use it in other contexts that is serious, for example around addiction, but it makes my insides crumple up when it is used as part of an attempt at humor.


People who are chronically late make me want to poke my own eyes out. My boss is one of them.

When people say “I hate to bother you on your lunch break, but…” and they still bother you. 9 times out of 10 it’s something that can wait.

When a friend or family member treats waitstaff like shit or doesn’t tip. My mother used to be a waitress so this really gets me fired up.


@anon62920945 @LyLyC @Jante76 @TMAC

Sorry I have to weigh in on the potty talk from Yesterday. I sit down to pee when at home or in others private bathrooms. I mostly think I do it because I am lazy. Also I think this started for me around 17 or 18. It took out any need to aim when I was drunk.


I could punch people in the face for this too.
Some chew like a horse, gosh I hate that.
Or when someone in the bus near me loudly chews a gum. God damnit :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I work in a hospital and EVERYONE there SHOULD know to put the fucking lid down when flushing…but nobody gives a shit about their shit


When someone tells me to smile more I look like an animal showing it’s teeth bc it annoys me.


Awesome ahahaha


Did you smile and wave at every traffic light? Lol, I would have done that just to annoy him even more :joy:


Have to try that, pisses me off too

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Guys I’m crying, awesome thread!
Ok, here’s what pisses me off:
. When ppl don’t put the toilet lid down
. When ppl don’t clean the toilet after shitting, sometimes I think I work in a zoo
. When ppl leave the last sheet of toilet paper. What am I supposed to do with one sheet of toilet paper? Origami?
. Ppl putting their feet on bus-/train seats
. Not standing up for elderly or injured people or pregnant women on the bus
. When I’m at the grocery store and the guy or girl in front of me can’t find their purse AND when they found it they pay cash…cent for cent for cent
. Slow walking ppl
. Ppl standing in the middle of the sidewalk looking at their cellphone
. Collegues who put their used dishes in the sink INSTEAD of putting it in the empty dishwasher
…to be continued :joy::rofl::joy:


I find that it works, it startles the phone obsessed person so that they look up before plowing in to me but they’re so unaware of their surroundings generally that they have no idea what it was the startled them (ie they don’t know it was my obnoxious clap :clap:t3:). :grinning:

Yes to “cool tat”.

Adding to that, strangers who touch tattoos without asking. It’s always large, dunk men. Tattoos don’t feel like anything. Surprise!

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