Please ask me how I'm doing each day

Ok. I couldn’t find that one, but I did find a different one called detoxify and it has a pin I had my wife set so I can’t delete it or change the settings. And if I do somehow crack the pin it will email her.

Hopefully this will help… I just hope I don’t go trying to figure out what all it doesn’t block.

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Making my home safe from myself has been a work in progress. But it’s been a necessary one. All of the devices at my home are locked down and password protected. And my phone has 2 additional app blockers to keep me from accessing a web browser throughout the whole day.

If I wanted to act out, I’d have to do it outside the home or get a new device.

90% of the time, I’m in clarity. I want to choose a better life and stay sexually sober. It’s that 10% of the time that gets me in trouble.


Good morning how are you doing today.Just want you to know that you are cared for and I believe in you 1/18/2020

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How are you today? Whats the weather? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::grin:

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Thanks guys! I’m doing good, I’ve officially made it past day 3 and on to day 4 :+1:

And the weather here? Is cold.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I am a sex/love drug and alcohol addict and I find writing daily in my early sobriety really helped me. I started a ‘blog’ type post here and made posts to keep them all in one place wrote in a journal with my feelings. Anytime I wanted to use or had a good day. I wrote about it.

There is also a checking in daily thread that people use to keep their accountability. It seems to help with some people.

Continuing the discussion from Checking in daily to help maintain focus #6:


Your doing amazing, sometimes gets a bit tricky about now, remember we are always here for you no matter what the weather :grin:


It looks cold! I bet Montana is beautiful though…

Spot on Mario! - the blame, shame and self-condemnation are so destructive.
There is a war on for our souls (brains, hearts, emotions - sanity) and I for one have fallen victim to self pity and despair for decades…
No longer.
No longer a victim, but a fighter that needs to increase self discipline and self belief: I can change and I am changing.
Thanks be to God who is able to save to the uttermost…


Good morning everyone. I’ve made it past day 4 and on to day 5


That’s great Michael. Another beautiful day. :sun_with_face:

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How’s day 5 going? Day 18 here and it’s starting off great!
I just read the devotional on today. I thought I’d share the bit I can really relate to.
“the adventure of building that kind of a life (sober life) is so much better than the merry-go-round of our old drinking life”

I liked the merry-go-round analogy. The get drunk, hangover, merry-go-round of life really sucks when u think about it.
Y’all have a great and sober day. We can do it!! And we’re all worth it!!!


Well I’ve made it through 5 days now and on to the sixth day. I’m starting to feel much more confident that this will last, but yet afraid to say forever. Like that would be some sort of unrealistic expectation and I shouldn’t get my hopes up just to be crushed again. But yet I know I must hope and believe that I really can be free from this for life! And that’s got to be my focus and my goal, I can’t let fear of failure deter me any longer! And I won’t.


I was going to press like but I’m not going to. If I said, I Hope, you had a good day it implies that you might not have, if I said, I Hope you are OK, it implies you might not be, Do you see where I am going?. I don’t hope you won’t relapse I believe you won’t. You make the rules don’t Hope, Cope. Well done on 5 days. LIKE…

Sounds good, Michael.

Congratulations on making it past day 5.

Well I’ve made it a week now :fist: and I haven’t had any real triggers show up yet… except for maybe a few things people who are close to me have said that have knocked me down emotionally. But I’ve gotten through those things so far by, first, excepting that I can’t change them or what they say, but I can choose how I let their words effect me. And secondly, by reading in this app and/or reading my bible to find encouraging words to counter act the negative.

But I do wander if I should share the little negative things that get to me, or if that would just be complaining and dwell on the past…


If it nags at you it’s good to talk it out.


Yeah you’re probably right. I’ll give it a day or so and see if it’s still bothering me :+1:

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Hey how are you doing each day.

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share everything it’s what we do, good, bad and the ugly.

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