Please pray for me. I need God's help in my life

I’m begging you to pray for me. I know God is the only one who can help me. He can turn my life around in less than a second.
I love you all.


My prayers are with you @MrMan

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I will also pray for you friend.

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Thank you. You all are very kind.

How are you doing? Are you strong? Prayers

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Ok. I will offer you this advice which has worked for me. Make it a habit to pray first thing in morning. Throughout your day replace “feelings” with prayer. Even if it’s to say for 3 minutes in your head "I love you Lord and praise Him. Listen and surround yourself with only positive feedback when possible. Find Christian based music, Listen to AA speakers, etc. Find someone else to help. Start praising people and offer support and solutions. It takes your mind off yourself and while your helping someone else God is helping you. Just a few suggestions and I am praying for you. Remember you were made to shine.


I am sending prayers your way. Know that God will not allow you to go through nothing that you cannot handle and when you make it through you will be able to help someone else out as well.

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I love what you stated because you just confirmed what was told me. My mother told me that maybe once i get through my struggles I can speak to someone else who is going through it and help them through the struggle. I will begin to start praising others because that is so hard to do and not only offer solutions but apply them to my everyday life. You are right…we are all made to shine. God Bless You


Thank you all. You are very kind. I am in a better situation but I still need your prayers. I can’t thank you enough for praying for me and thinking about me.


I will pray for you.


Thank you. God bless you.

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You’re in my prayers. God will never abandon you don’t forget that.


@SexySober81 I think that’s part of our journey and purpose…to help others who are suffering…putting our sobriety to good use by sharing our experience strength, and hope…God working through us.


God bless u and stay strong and in His spirit. HE WILL SEE YOU THRU


My prayers go out to you.God is there for those who seek him🙏

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Welcome to life eyes wide open :slight_smile: stay strong we are here for you! Sending prayers and hugs! :hugs:


Sending you love prayers and strength:kissing:

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Prayers for you my friend


It is my pleasure to pray for you. It states to rejoice always and to pray without ceasing and to give thanks in every circumstance

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I agree it is a part of our journey. I want to be able to help someone the same way I am being help. I want to show that all things are possible through Christ.