PMO Addiction

Hi everyone, I just wanted to write about my addiction and my problems that I struggle with every day. I’m gonna keep my identity anonymous as this is definitely up there as one of the many things that I am ashamed of. I’m a firm believer in Christ and follow the word of God the best I can, but ultimately, I do fumble a lot, if it’s not with lust, it’s also with drunkardness, envy, and wrath. I’ve been consuming pornography since the age of 12 years old, I am now 18 and I still have my problems with it, and I feel the more I slip up the more calloused my heart becomes to this sort of problem. Make no mistake, I struggled far more in the past with this than I do now, I have my own life outside of my issue, I have friends, I have a family that loves me, I have hobbies and my own passions but I’d be lying if I said I don’t still struggle with my porn addiction. I just want to have this problem dealt with before I meet that special person, because with an addiction to this sorta stuff also gets me tempted to meet random women that I don’t plan on having any future with after that night. I hope you guys can be a good community to communicate with when I have my urges.


Welcome Anonymous5! There’s a group of us here facing the same challenge. I’ve invited you to join a group where you will be able to chat with us!

Never give up. Porn is not real; it’s an escape from living life in its full depth and richness. Let porn go, let PMO go, and explore who you can be, sober. It will be better.

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Appreciate it

Hi guys! I’ve been struggling with PMO for a while and I’m interested in joining to the group too, looking to have the enough support to quit definitely this adiction. Good night and thanks for reading :sparkles:


Sorry I missed this! I just added you, you will find the thread in your Messages (envelope icon)

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