PMO - Porn, Masturbation, Recovery

I found the entry about this show on English Wikipedia. It sounds hilarious! I’m sure I would have loved it.

Interestingly, around the same time (1988-1995), there was a Canadian comedy show that also focused on sketch comedy: The Kids in the Hall
(the phrase “kids in the hall” is borrowed from 1950s American comedian Sid Caesar, who would blame a bad joke, or a joke that didn’t perform as well as expected, on the “kids in the hall”, referring to young writers in the halls of the television studios)

Hi all. Checking in 36 days in no looking. It does come up in my brain but I have strategies to cope with it and I haven’t given in. I had to go to another country for about a week, stopped my usual practice of eyeing and lusting over every woman at the airport and kept a neutral gaze for the first time since I can remember. I’m feeling a big change but it’s a long journey still.


Congrats on day 36.

You are noticing and seeing positive changes. That’s amazing.

This is just the beginning for you. As the door opens more and more to your sobriety, you will notice many other positive benefits as well.

You are almost at day 40 and doing very well. Keep going.


No worries man, thank you so much!

I hope you don’t blame yourself for any of it because I feel like a lot of this knowledge hadn’t been bestowed upon many people until fairly recently. I’m just very fortunate to be part of a time period where I can surround myself with people who feel the struggle. I commend you for being open to your wife about this and I’m glad she can be a rock for you and understanding about the struggle.

As much as I still have love for my ex, I’ve reached a point where I’m ok with being on my own and have reduced habits of thinking of her and checking her socials. I believe the sobriety has played a major role in that.

I appreciate your words of encouragement my man! You got this too! We’ll both become better versions of ourselves!

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It’s a combination of Canada and Wakanda😂


I am very glad this sparked conversation about Canada though

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Thank you so much!

You are right that this knowledge had not been bestowed on many back then. It was the time when a lot of innocent people were getting hooked and not even realizing it.

I just wish I had the knowledge and wisdom I do now, back at 26. Oh how much better things would have been.
Things are still great for me, I’ve been blessed by God and have so many things to be grateful for, but I might be leap years ahead of where I am right now had I not gone down the addiction road.

It’s good that you are in a good spot about your ex now.
I realized that checking social media or keeping tabs on people that we are no longer with isn’t healthy. Not healthy for them, and neither for us.
Also remember that social media is a mask. People post stuff there that they are okay with others seeing. Sometimes it’s their fake positive reality. It’s not all sunshine and roses but that’s usually the only stuff they post and the only stuff you will see.
Beneath the surface there is a lot of hidden stuff.

I don’t go on social media anymore. I also deleted my Reddit account. I consider it to be a waste of time.
I do still have YouTube but now I just use it for educational, diy projects, cooking, etc.
I used it to learn stuff.

The other day my son and I used YouTube to fix one of our basement light pull switches.

My son is only 11, but he was my flashlight buddy and we got up on small ladders, shut the power off, and did a little bit of electrical wiring fixing and it worked! I love YouTube for that stuff.
Or I use it sometimes for cooking a new recipe. :slightly_smiling_face:

Stay strong in your journey! We got this.

P.s. - I’m also from Canada.


If anyone is around at 12pm EST time tomorrow, I will be doing the zoom meeting.

I’ll post meeting info a few minutes before the meeting.

No pressure. Join who can.

Checking in.

25 days for MO

26 days for P

Been having more dreams lately.

Do you guys notice that you have more dreams after a certain point in your reboot?

I think i’m approaching the flat line.

When do you guys notice a a dip in your ability to get aroused and lower libido in your reboots?

Keep going you are doing great.

You’re almost at a month.

I do notice more dreams the more sober I am. Dreams that I can actually remember.

I like it. The ability to remember my dreams. Starts happening more and more as I have longer streaks.

During a flatline, just remind yourself that your brain is changing for the better. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Truly beautifully said.🫶🏼 good luck to you my friend! You are stronger than your demons!

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Thank you very much.

Anyone here read this book before?

I’m thinking of starting it after finishing the SA White Book: