Porn addict trying not to relapse

I have been watching and reading porn for as long as I can remember. I think it started when I was 7 and I was just going through channels on TV . I never knew I was even a porn addict until earlier this year but by then I had already developed anxiety as a result because I knew I was commiting a sin and I feared the punishment. But that didn’t stop me. I would watch and then feel extremely guilty afterwards and sit and cry because I hated what was happening. The longest I’ve gone without relapsing is 25 days but it’s been getting worse this month. Due to cultural reasons it’s hard to talk to anyone about my addiction or even see a therapist which is why I’m here. In hopes that I’ll be able to find comfort and hope in some of you here who are going through the same thing as I am. I’ve promised myself that I’ll try my hardest and I’m hoping I can make it into a year or at least 6months without relapsing. I will be posting updates on here everyday because I believe that that’s the only way I can keep myself in check. Thank you, it feels so good to finally open up.


First off, if you believe it’s a sin, then you must believe in the one who judges sin. Understand that you have already been forgiven, though grace. Guilt is a tool of the evil one to keep you hiding from salvation.

Forgive yourself and work to get better. He has already forgiven you.

And then keep getting better at getting better each and every day.


Welcome to the forum @Anonymous99. Making it 25 days without support is really impressive, I never could have done that. With the support of the folks here and my 12 step group, I’m at 9 months now. Keep coming back, browse as many threads as you have time for, lots of the advice AAs, NAs, and others here provide is very beneficial to me. Take this thing on one day at a time. It’s impossible for me to swear off porn and masterbation for a year, but I can swear it off for today.


Welcome. I’m also a pornography addict. I’m also Christian. I know that it’s a sin, but I also now understand that Christ’s greatest desire is for us to come into him. He’s long suffering. I mean, he will not stop trying to heal you and will never give up on you. You are the 1 sheep that has gone astray that He will leave to go after.


Pray brother he will give you the strength. Im going through the same thing. My biggest thing from porn is the shame and anxiety. Im on day 40 of no porn. God will give you the strength to pull through. I never thought I would make it this far. Have you heard of nofap?


Welcome to the forum and congrats on any length of being sober without support!
Like you I always believed in my Higher power and new what my punishment was going to be because of what I had done during my active addiction days off porn/sex addiction. Early in my recovery I read something that has made a huge difference in my life. Basically it went like this: God gave us self will and said he’d take care of us as long as we would let him, the whole Adam and Eve thing happened and he said they had to leave Eden because they thought they could do things on their own, but he told them any time they wanted Him to take care of them He would, they just had to give him the control back. He didn’t say but if you did that I won’t or you only get one chance, he said all you have to do is give me the control. I guess that’s a long way of saying if you sincerely want to be forgiven and work to change your future actions He will forgive you, he’s a loving God not a vengeful God!


9months is amazing! Coming here and reading people’s stories and accomplishments is really uplifting and gives me hope that I can actually do this. I’m trying to take it one day at a time because everyday is different with some days being harder than others. Thanks for the advice

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The shame and anxiety that follows is the worst. But I know I have Him by my side and I can get through this. I hadn’t heard of nofap but I looked it up and I’ve just joined. I’m trying to do whatever it takes to make this journey easier. Thank you for the help

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I’m keeping my hopes up that Nofap is the solution to my anxiety.It’s what keeps me motivated. There are alot of benefits you should really look into it. I know because my anxiety is getting the best of me. I can’t even walk outside without feeling of everyone judging me or staring at me. I know it’s not true but I can’t help it. Look up videos on nofap and anxiety you might find useful information there. And look up Nofap 90 day challenge. If you need anyone to talk to brother I’m here.
God Bless