Sex & Porn Addiction Recovery

I think Islam and Mormonism have a lot in common when it comes to our devotion and desires for righteousness. I relate to your situation, because it’s the same story for me. I’m 32 and have been heavily into my addiction for over 10 years. It took me a long time to be able to get more than a few days of sobriety.

Keep working at it. God doesn’t judge us on how sinful we’ve been, but how we’ve recovered and repented from those sins. This life is the test that we are all failing.

Read the threads, post to the forum a lot, practice rituals and keep a strict schedule, exercise, have purpose when you lift your phone or get on your computer, get a sponsor, read scripture, say prayers. You can beat this addiction. It is not you.


A couple things. Takes one to know one.

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Lol. We stick out like sore thumbs. Where are you from?

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Me 2. Utah.


My sponsor is/was Mormon, one of the wisest men I’ve ever met.


Nice. My in laws are in Taylorsville. I have lot of other family and friends scattered throughout Utah Valley and other parts of Utah. My wife went to BYU, I went to BYU-I. We’re in central Washington now.

Everyone has some sort of a connection to us. Share some of his/your wisdom with us!

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Haha yeah. I’m from Texas.

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Hi Cgty04,

I just want to say hi and you are NOT a freak! You are NOT ALONE in this battle!
You have the right attitude! You want to be free! What you want will happen! If you want to be free from Sin, God will answer you but you have to fight for freedom, it will not land in your lap! I am a Christian and I have had a problem with this sin for over 20 years. Today I am 7 days clean. I believe that victory over this is possible through my God and by being honest with others who I trust. Let me send you a few things someone shared with me:

Start with just with what is before your feet. When it is time to go to sleep, be OBEDIENT. You have made your body used to disobedience, and now you have to keep it in OBEDIENCE in the bed till it has learned to go and sleep when it is time. And then you have to learn it to stand up when it is the right time! And until it has learned it, you have to let if SUFFER!! But the sufferings of OBEDIENCE is far less than the sufferings of DISOBEDIENCE. And the sufferings of obedience will stop, but the sufferings of DISOBEDIENCE NEVER!!! All depression and darkness and hell goes along with disobedience!!

Why torture yourself with that??

(If someone told you that if you eat ice-cream one more time you will get cancer - would you do it? I don’t think so! If you had to look at Porn (in this case it is comparable to the cancer carrying ice-cream) and knowing it would bring eternal death to your spirit if you continue with it - would you still do it? I think you would think twice!
Porn is nice in the moment but it comes back to bite you and gives you a bad conscience! Why should I allow Satan / these perverse business men or the woman in the picture or my own lusts for this filth - cause me to feel miserable, hollow and defeated! Never! Should I allow myself to continue with this garbage! No way! If someone wanted to kill you in the night - you would make a plan! If a thief were to rob you in the night - you would make a plan, you would be waiting with a weapon for him - why not with this PORN / MASTURBATION which wants to rob you of your precious soul / suck your spirit dry as a bone and steal your joy and happiness - isolate you and make you feel worthless! NO! Let’s go on the attack against this in our own lives!

I can’t shut down all the porn sites in the world, but I can pray for the poor women involved there and I can wage war on it in my own life! I can make sure in MY OWN LIFE that I am not a slave to it, then I do it an eternal damage! Then I SHUT IT DOWN in my own life - then I destroy it in my own mind - then it cannot torment me anymore! It will be destroyed in my own life! I can pray for you Cgty04 and all those on this group! Then I do this darkness damage! I help others out!
Although I am only 7days clean! Doesn’t that give the guy here on day zero hope? Doesn’t that spark some light at the end of the tunnel?

Each day of victory you win and mention here gives another hope! There will always be someone else who has it worse than you!

So in my own life over the last 7 days I have been doing what I can to stay pure from PORN - be it locking up my laptop - giving it to a friend and installed Boomerang on my phone which shuts off my browsers / apps that I can use as a loophole to watch porn. So this works for me. At night when I am just craving to masturbate - I can keep my hands above the blanket and pray to my Jesus to help me not to give in and I experience that HE helps me when I admit that I am powerless over porn / masturbation. There is hope for all of us on this group and for me - who is one of the worst according to my own cravings to do evil.

THE KEY TO VICTORY OVER SIN: OBEDIENCE OF FAITH. My faith says: if I eat this “ice cream”, I will die. I obey the faith Jesus has planted in my heart. By obeying I humble myself under God’s Word. I get grace (power) to trample on my lusts and disobedience. I get victory!!! Very simple recipe!!

Never make it complicated (name here) - it is just to find excuses that man makes it complicated! From there all the religious books - the try to reason it away to be OBEDIENT

Just take this one law:
You cannot help that you are tempted to “that ice cream”.
But one lick of it is DEATH!! FLEE THEREFORE and put to death every thought!!

One “lick” (press of the computer button to see…) is DEATH!

He who looks at a woman to lust comits adultery with her in his heart - it’s death!! Spiritual death! But to resist doing this evil and to pray for others - that is life! Real life! Then you are a warrior and a real man! So let’s be real men and women here and not be discouraged! This is a war worth fighting - not against anyone else but against our own lusts and desires which wage war on our souls!



I agree! You are not your addict! Do everything to avoid looking at porn and masturbating at all costs

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@iwillwin Hello.

I got a hope which I have lost recently, by reading what you’ve written. Firstly, I wish the best of luck for you and for your recovery process. And I hope someone in this forum who really strive to quit this to succeed. Actually to be honest, I fight against this evil opinions all the time. Because I know that I have to be accountable for my future for my family for my education anyway. But It is just like a devil that exploits my mind on all the good things. And I am always in a breakdown, like feeling tired, swearing too much, having low self-discipline, self-esteem, self-confidence etc. I Will write down your recipe first on my mind and second at the top of my bed… Thank you… be with god

Hey Rosey,
I remember a man made reference to this awhile back. I can’t remember specifics,but basically he was saying he’d wake up with an erection and I think we all know that happens to guys sometimes. But he didn’t count it as a relapse unless he then proceeded to masturbate. Although I can’t say I’ve heard about this happening with us gals before, I kinda feel like if you didn’t purposely decide to masturbate n orgasm then it’s not a relapse. However, if you woke up on that situation and decided to continue, then I’d probably say you relapsed.

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Hi Cgty04,

May God strengthen you in your battle. I have also experienced that when I gave in to Porn, it is a devilish thing! I who am a Christian, would start to swear and curse like a sailor (I’m not one for swearing) but something would get hold of me! I’d become depressed, isolate myself, have negative thoughts and attitudes, struggle to get out of bed, have low energy, lack of concentration at work, can’t look women/others in the eye and would want to hang myself / commit suicide. So can one say that porn is a great thing that is going to make me feel great? I think not! Of course the extasy of committing fulfilling our addictive desires feels amazing, otherwise, we would not return to it, but the aftermath is dreadful and deathly! It destroys lives of men, women and families! This is why I have a vengeance within me to fight against this evil in my own life and if God grant me grace to help others who are suffering, then that is my deep longing! To help and encourage every wounded soul!

I am on day 8 of not giving in to porn today. I still have to fight off impure fantasies in my mind and the urge to masturbate, but I believe that the further I get away from looking at porn, then these desires to masturbate will also stop!

Sex is a wonderful thing that God created to be enjoyed in the boundaries of marriage. Satan wants to corrupt everything God meant for our good! So this is one of Gods greatest inventions (Sex and the purity of marriage that can produce happiness and life) why should man turn it into something disgusting? Everything outside of God is disgusting and hollow! Everything in God is beautiful, clean and pure.

I wish everyone on this group a good night, lets do what it takes and be men and women who fight to be free from this junk! Why continue with something that is eternal loss for me! It promises joy and pleasure and ends in pain!

Thanks guys and girls for being honest. All those who are honest and upright will get out of this, no doubt about it!

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The main thing is whether you gave in or not, that you keep moving forward and do not be discouraged. If we fall we must bounce back up and not allow ourselves into the spin cycle of doubt, but believe in God who wants it to succeed for you more than anybody else!

Here’s a video for all the women struggling with porn. There is hope for women too! I am a man who is in recovery and I hope that EVERYONE here, women and men can get help and stop with porn. To hell with porn!


Hi Everyone, here you can find a safe place to share, support and talk about recovery from porn. Watch some of the videos here and I hope you find hope and can get out of this crap soon. I have struggled with the stuff for over 20 years and now have a desire to wage a full-on war against it in my own life! It destroys lives! May an army of men and women rise up who want to live pure lives and be free from porn forever!

Here is the full story:

Good night.

You got 8 days, that is great to hear that you are determined like this. I hope the god that you’re believe in help you and bless you. and also I hope you will kick this devilish thing out of your life. Since yesterday, I feel so encouraged, because I write your recipe at the top of my mind and now I am tied to my process with passion. I have craved this evil about 4 times after reading what you wrote yesterday but I am sober I hope I will never be giving in at any time in the future… Good night… thanks

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Cgty04 I am SO SO happy for you! May you get the freedom you desire and long for. Have courage, you are not alone and you can get out of this! Keep writing some notes for yourself. I give my laptop to my neighbour every night - that’s a bit extreme, but I need extreme to beat this thing. When it’s past 10:00pm I am not entirely sober at that time, so I need to remove the “drug” from my room.

A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do!