Porn and Sex Addiction

I’ve been a sex addict since I was a young teenager. Porn and sex addition is proving to be extremely hard to recover from, and to remain in recovery for me. I am 20+ years into my addition and I’m currently on day 3 of sobriety. For many years I hid my addiction from family and friends and still find it difficult to talk about with anyone and especially anyone close to me. It was always taboo growing up in a religious home and sex addiction is not as recognized in society as an actual addiction and for many it’s acceptable. I was always ashamed of myself, I essentially lived a double life for decades. My addiction was never quenched and it escalated to the extent of paid escorts. I had never imagined my life would be so out of control. Since then I have worked on recovery for the past 3 years with SA meetings and the 12 steps. I continue to drag myself through the mire, but I’m not giving up. This is the first attempt I’m making at a social forum and like what I see so far. I’m taking it one day at a time and hope to find and give mutual support to become more like the person I want to be.


Oh…it is…and it’s everywhere and kind of acceptable ish…like booze…well…escorts are kinda legal here…and like you say…it got in the way and you had a double life. You stood up and recognized your addiction when so many just don’t see it as a problem.

I’m glad you did and came in here. Just keep clicking in here… .there’s good here. Good people just recovering like the rest of us.

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oh man
This has actually been on my mind for a couple days.
It’s all about getting and feeling good.
The way I see it is you have an addictive personality, like many of us here, except you choose to fill the hole in your soul with sex and masturbation instead of drugs and alcohol.
I recently heard that it’s bad to jerk off to porn. I want to say that as long as you don’t take it to the extreme and stay in the middle then you will be fine. But that’s not the case, I cannot control my alcohol or drugs. They control Me.
So I’m interested in hearing what SA has to at about all this.
Good luck to you!!!

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my husband has been consistantly sober from porn/sex addiction for two years, with the exception of one relapse. its sad how acceptable pornography really is. it is so damaging to our minds and hinders the way we percieve others and feel emotions. ita been a long road but my husband is in a much better place without it. good for you for deciding to rid your mind if this gripping addiction, i can only imagine how hard thia is to break


Thanks for your comment. It’s great to hear about your husbands success.


no problem…what youre dealing witg is close to my heart if you need anythibg let me know

Been on a 4 day binge with porn and food. So powerless…just called sponsor to try and get back on track

I know others with the same addiction. Addiction is addiction. If it interferes in your life, which it def sounds like it did, it is a problem. Congrats on your decision to get better! Pornography industry is not as harmless as many think. Human trafficking, child abuse, rape and other atrocities are all intertwined with porn and often the viewers aren’t even aware that they are watching victims and further supporting the demand for more people to be violated. Just adding this in because I am an advocate for victim’s rights and know a good deal about it. Proud of you for moving away from your addiction. :blush: I am trying to get rid of my addictions and I know how hard it is to feel stigmatized or like you have something to hide. We can do this!

Hi pip, i hope you are well. Keep up the good work. You are very coherent in your writing and you will make it!

(looks like @Pip hasn’t been on forum since Jan 9th)

I’m still here, just don’t use this site much. I found another (rTribe) that has more people with sex addictions than what I’ve found on here. I appreciate the words of encouragement. Pornography may seem harmless to some, but it can become a progressive addiction, one very difficult to stay sober from.

oh hey @Pip! Glad you are still out there. I will add a link to rTribe under resources, if it is something you would recommend.

Years back I had a sex addiction, it started with porn then progressed to shows, strip clubs, even a a few escorts. It was very destructive. I stopped but somehow managed to replace it with alcohol! So I’m here now. Best wishes for your sobriety.