Porn problem

I can’t seem to figure it out, Is like i always go for a few days, then I relapse I just, wan to get this right and feel better without porn

Yep. So you need to figure out what triggers you to go to porn, similar to any other addiction. My triggers are boredom and frustration. Also, since you’re not likely to masturbate or look at porn when others are around, try to be where there are other people. Even if you have to go hang out in public places to make that happen, do it.

I managed 31 days early on, then relapsed several times, and now I just hit my second week. We can do it, it just takes a bit more effort than one might realize.

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Hello, this is not a question whether its legal or not, it’s a moral question and @anon33710869 would like to kick the habit. Porn industry is exploititive and unethical thus should be banned all together (just my opinion). Drinking alcohol is not illegal although i recognise its not good for me thus trying to control it. :slight_smile:


I been able to not drink anymore for two months but the porn habit has kicked in extra strong.

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I’m just going to say the glaringly obvious thing. You are still trying to run/numb/hide/fill a void. Are you trying abstinence or are you working on fixing the the problem =recovery? I’m sorry. I’m sure it’s tough.


Are you replacing one addiction with another?

I don’t enjoy drinking anymore, I don’t get cravings for alcohol like I used to, It seems that I have, more free time, with not being sick all the time, because of what my drinking problem was causing me, but now I have a urges to masturbate, with all the free and healthy time I’m getting