Positive changes I'm seeing

7 days sober, almost 8, and here’s some positive changes I’ve seen in my home and myself:
I feel more energetic
I look better
More sleep and a sleep schedule
I wake up refreshed and feeling positive
My kids are benefiting from having a mom who isn’t hungover
My husband has held up his word about cutting back and keeping his drinking to football nights
I’m waking up earlier with the family on my husband’s days off which means more time together
I can feel my creativity coming back
Self confidence is being restored
Overall just feeling accomplished in different areas of my life

Just wanted to share the positive changes that are keeping me going. Even after a week I’m noticing them and what my life should be like and what I deserve with my own happiness. :slight_smile: anyone else feeling the positivity?


I agree lol I have a sleep schedule now and when I wake up, I feel like I got a good nights rest. It’s refreshing right? I feel energized as well and I’m going to start working out (:expressionless:) lol I’ve always hated working out, but I want change… drinking hard liquor and beer made me bigger than I’ve ever been. I’m ready to be healthier all around.


I’ve thought about working out recently too. Since I stay at home with the kids I have the time and I figured I could always use my 1 year old as a weight lol. :smile: since there’s so many positive changes there’s no reason not to go full scale and get healthy!

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I have become more positive and even better my creativity also came back. I started throwing pottery again and im doing stained glass work. Im so glad to be 37 days sober. And have my creative back!