
Day 3 and I’m feeling great. I’m worried that I feel too great and any day now I’m going to want to drink. I’ve tried being sober back in April and I stayed sober for a couple of months, then I gave in thinking I can be one of those people that drink on occasion. I was wrong. So now I’m 3 days sober and I’m excited about my journey. Waking up without a hangover is such a great feeling. I feel alive again.


Congratulation @ariana2607 With 3 days sober be kind to your self, and stick to your choice:) welcome sobrierty!

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“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” – Chinese proverb

Stay strong!! We got your back :smiley:


Good for u!I’m on my 2 second day and and I also thought I was like those people who do stuff on occasions but I’m not, so we gotta stay strong and positive day by day…keep it up


@ariana2607 go read up about the “pink cloud”. It sounds like you are experiencing something similar.

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I admire your honesty on knowing that you will know you’ll need to drink some point in the future, I know this all too well. I know that I feel good now and it’s only 2 days, some time next week I imagine I will start feeling hopeless and angry with myself and try to convince myself I just want to be “normal”. When that time comes for you we will all be here for you, and I know it is likewise. Keep it up, and congratulations X X X


Just now read up on pink cloud. Thanks for that. All of this is new to me so I appreciate your suggestions.

Thank you… it’s a scary journey, but well worth it.

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Thank you, Edward. I agree with you, we all can use the help from one another. We are all in this together.


It’s so annoying how my mind works. This morning I woke up in a wonderful mood… I slept well, got to work on time, had a nice breakfast. Everything went well, but the minute something small didn’t go my way, I think about drinking… why does my mind go there automatically… frustrating. I have to retrain my mind, but no idea how. Does that happen to you?


I know exactly what you mean, yeah. My mind starts to give me ultimate upset for any minor mishap, it’s people largely, myself included. As soon as I feel I can’t handle other people, or how they are with me my levels of doubt and hatred and tension go through the roof, like way out of proportion. I’ve been struggling with that for years now and the booze and drugs have always been able to switch that off and give me a quick fix to my stress. But I have to start facing all the tension again as the booze makes it worse, in fact it probably is largely the cause of all the panic in the first place, like a wore in the brain gone wrong.

So yeah, retraining the brain, it helps to just say over and over that you’re not wrong for feeling the way you do, you’re not wrong for getting stressed and feeling emotional even over little things because we’ve all experienced a lot of trauma, and it doesn’t matter if it is self inflicted or not it is still trauma nonetheless. Try and be patient with yourself and eventually all the little things will get better, and one day we can smile on all the stressful situations because they’re a part of our lives. Xxx