I have never had this before and am pretty sceptical. Can someone convince me why I should try this?
No, bc I haven’t even tried it. I saw it at this store 3 separate times and just couldn’t stop thinking about it and regretted not buying it every time. Now that I have, I just look at it and think, maybe tomorrow
Sugary cotton candy and ranch sauce flavour, it just sounds wrong.
It is wrong. So very, very wrong My daughter insisted we try it tonight before she went to bed and I literally said
but she wasn’t having it. Idk why I expected anything other than a super sweet ranch flavor The aftertaste of onion powder was definitely a surprise(for some reason ) No bueno.
Someone’s teeth and molars with fillings on them?
Ha ha!! That reminds me of a piece of art from my youngest one for fathersday.
If I find a picture from it I will share that one later.
This one is so cute too! I kept some of those artworks ore have pictures from it. Even kept some of my own stuff I’ve made when young. It’s fun!
I AM the tooth fairy!!!
Not an explanation, more an exclamation: just thought up that this item is about 100 years old as my mum was born in Rotterdam in 1930 and moved to Amsterdam in 1931
Don’t be so OCD, it’s perfect as it is
Fun fact: I used to work at private dinner parties at the Brenninkmeijer house, a very rich and awkward family!
8 days to go?