Lol love that she steals your spot! Too cute! Poor moose can’t make it upstairs to the bedrooms anymore.
It really is so hard. When Max died after 16 years I was seriously drunk for a week or more. It was awful. Why do we do that to ourselves? Not the getting drunk part. Have pets? It hurts so much when they die. And we just keep getting more. Now that I’m sixty I’m on my last batch. I don’t want my pets to out live me.
Awe poor guy. Minnie uses the pet steps we bought her to get up on our bed. I’ll always have my bedroom downstairs as long as I have a dog.
We carry him up sometimes
Thank you She’s a yorkie, and her name is Svetlana
Yes! He really looks like he has mittens on. I thought of that for a name, but in San Diego it wouldn’t really work. Yes, it’s just his front paws, so 22 toes. It’s a lot of work trimming nails with all those extra toes! Especially for you with 24. Or does she not grow a nail on the extras?
That is awefully cute. It looks like she is waiting for a cookie!
Trimming nails is a never ending chore! It’s so hard to see if I got them all, if I ever have. She hates it so I only get a few at a time.
Losing loved ones is so hard, but I like to know that I give them a loving and safe home (all of pets have been rescues) and they bring so much joy to our lives.
I just fell in love again
All our pets have been rescues too in one form or another. They are the best types of pets. Maybe not the easiest at the beginning but I really can’t think of any other way to get a cat or dog. There’s so much love out there that needs adopting. And it’s so hard to loose one. They become a piece of you.
Great photos!!!
Thank you Normally I can never get her to sit outside of home. Had to get photo proof
pups I’ll allow nugget… lol too cute!
I grew up with Black Labradors. I think that’s why I love large breed dogs a little more than others lol.