Post your favorite Ted Talks

I bet we all have a good collection of Ted Talks that we’ve seen. I’d love to watch some of the non-recovery and recovery based ones that you have found to be intriguing. I found this one today and found it to be interesting.


This is from about a decade ago - not recovery related, but pretty cool if you’re a science nerd

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Posted this in another thread but might as well post it here too.


One of my life changers


That’s the link I posted :hugs: what did you think of it?

I will add all of these to the list @Yoda-Stevie @Charlie_C :smile:

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Oh is it, I mean yeah I totally checked out your link :slight_smile:️ Ha, yeah I thought it was excellent, what he says about Portugal is incredible. Addicts shouldn’t be punished, it definitely perpetuates the cycle. And the rat experiment too, really made me look at my own addiction in a new light, when I was in deep I was hating myself, my life which naturally made me drink more to escape.

I read the comments under the video and one stood out. “The opposite of addiction is connection.” And it really made me stop and think! The rat experiment was beyond interesting as well! They went to 0% of the rats overdosing compared to, what did he say, 95% in the previous experiment?!?

That one poor rat alone in a cage, at least he died coked off his head R.I.P. But yep, when they were in rat paradise 95% were sober, that’s unreal. Just goes to show how being connected (like you say) and having a sense of belonging can change our mindsets to addiction. Shit it’s tough though when you feel like you’ve got nothing to live for other than getting wasted, even something as simple as this app though makes you feel part of a community.

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It’s also tough when it seems like your addiction is your only connection :pensive: we definitely have so much more to learn about addiction! I think the general public has a misunderstanding in general about addiction, so I’ll be excited to see what comes out in my lifetime. And I know…I felt really bad for the mice who were isolated. That type of experiment would never get approved today. haha

That was an interesting point too, nice quote. I think some of those animal experiments probably do get approved, at least they do here in the UK. Since I’ve moved to my new house out in the countryside I’ve become veggie. I watch lambs, sheep and cows out in the fields all day I can’t eat those fuckers now!

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haha I’m vegan, so I get it! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: and I think European countries typically allow for different types of research compared to the US

I tried vegan, I’ve got as far as soy milk but cheese and ice cream is my downfall. Man some of the shit these big pharma companies get away with in the UK is horrific. At least Monsanto got their arses handed to them the other day over in the US :raised_hands:

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