I got nothing recent. But I love the posts. I do have this one of me and wifey August 31 2019. That’s me fat drunk and hungover at the AZ Snowbowl here in Flag. Almost One year later I’m 215 days sober and 45 pounds lighter. Life is good sober so glad I stumbled on this photo.
Yes, they let us bring drinks up the chair lift
My double Bloody Mary never made it to the top. How stupid was that???
Look at this hot air balloon. When there’s hot air in there it rises above the negativity that pests this world. But when the supply stops, it will fall down, land and collapse. Addiction is very similar. When we fight it with a burning passion, we rise above our old selves and our life quality even rises above that of non-addicts. But when you stop fighting and that fire disappears, you go back to your old self and hit rock-botton after rock-bottom.
Be that weather balloon. Fight with a burning passion