Pray for me...or send me some positive energy

Okay I failed. And I just cant believe it. I left home thinking I was strong enough for real
…but again it was harder than I tought. I mean its not supposed to be that hard. I GUESS It’s just a bad habbit. I will be honest with you guys. I’m a christian…a born and raised christian. I believe in Jesus Christ and the gospel more than i believe in anything else in this world but something happened when I was 16 year old when was living a depressing seperation…and when i only had my friends to rely on…at this particular time of my life, they were alcoholics, as i was…and we didnt know…since then, something stronger than me stops me from thinking and stops me from acting rationnaly in front of alcohol. I drink and I want to stop…I need real advices. I need help. I want to stop. But I still like drinking…what do you guys do when you like doing it and still neeeeed to stop because you know you know your present and your future will be way more beautiful without it? Can you guys…pray for me? Cand you guys pray for me for real?


Praying for you ! Here is a video of something that has helped me to get healthy. It is called practicing the presence of Jesus. It is a practice or discipline and things do get better. Keep coming back it is a one day at a time kind of program and we need each other.


Thanks so much brother. And I just watched your video. Very inspirational.

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I’m going through the same kind of situation. I was going to have a sober weekend and ended up getting ticketed for my part in a bar fight last night. This is my rock bottom. I have to be done. Nothing positive ever comes out of drinking anymore. There is so much more to life. I’ll pray for you if you do for me. I am also a person of faith. I believe in forgiveness but I’m also tired of saying sorry. We need to learn how to say no. If people are going to judge, to hell with them.

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@Zoey Thanks for sharing! I’ll be praying for strength & peace! Hang in there, there is hope! His love never fails! This verse always encourages me! Blessings to you! :smile::blue_heart::muscle::+1::pray::pray::pray: :cross: :cross:


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@Markm Thanks for sharing your video! I really enjoyed it! Blessings brother! :smile::sparkling_heart::clap::ok_hand::+1::point_up_2::facepunch::fireworks::sparkler::fireworks::sparkler::pray::pray::pray: :cross: :cross: :cross:

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Thank you so much @Soberlife05 (sandy) I really appreciate the feedback :grinning::grinning::pray::pray::point_up::point_up::point_up::fist:

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Sending you thoughts and prayers :rose:

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Prayers going your way. Too was born and raised Christian and love the upbringing i had. About 6 years ago i went off my path tho. I was in a financial hardship and turned to selling drugs. It helped my finances but brought me down a rough and dangerous path. I got addicted to meth and it stole 2 years of my life away. With the help of our Lord i got off it and stayed clean 3 years. Well about a year ago i fell down,and against my better judgment i bought a bag and it started all over again. I Told myself it was only a weekend thing but it grabbed me up and ran. I stoped selling so the constant temptation wouldn’t be around me. Iv been struggling staying clean for the past few months and understand where you are coming from. Even though i know its Destroying not only my health, life and relationships i cant help but love and hate it at the same time. Iv had to focus on the person i am away from the drug. The person and mindset God wants me to have being sober. Focusing on all the good things it sucks from my life has helped me thus far. Im still struggling but i feel im on the path to sobriety. Its all about the small steps of saying no. Once you male it habbit to say no you have it almost beat. Also believe you can and will defeat it just that will bring you half way to success. I hope i helped. If you need anyone to talk to ill be here for you. You have the strength within you, you only have to believe it.