Praying for the addict still suffering!

I made 30 days today!!! 1/9/22 I give a shout out to my # 1 supporter GOD and of course the support system I have in family the few select friends I have and really close ppl who have become family!!! I’m so happy to to be living sober again and actually living!!!


Congratulations! I join you in prayer for the addict (s) still suffering.

I pray to God, I do not get that call about my daughter’s father.
He was there when I almost lost my battle. And I thank God for him. I have done everything I could for him and gave him all the resources to help him as well but unfortunately he’s not ready. I just pray he will be ready soon. Xoxo I continue to pray for all those who still suffer. You are not alone.

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Congratulations on 30 days! :tada:
I’ll join you in prayer for the still sick and suffering. :pray:


30 days is a huge accomplishment, its hard to imagine just making it through the first day/week/month! But you’ve made it, keep it up, it does get easier the more work you put into your recovery.:+1:


When i walk through Glasgow i relised im a lucky guy i found AA , lots of poor souls still out there who suffer ,Prayers for them


Congrats on your 30 days :tada:

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