Pregnant binge drinker

Need help!!
30 weeks
Stayed clean most of pregnancy. New doctor changed anxiety meds I couldn’t. Sleep for numerous days without a drink. Embarrassed ashamed and hope my baby is OK. Anyone have any advice? Insomnia severe and. Too far along to change docs. Seeing my old psych doctomorrow but lve lost all hope in all other docs during my pregnancy. Please help. Let me know I’m not alone here.

Staying sober during my pregnancy was incredibly challenging for me. I had to find different things that satisfied my cravings… I don’t know if you’ve ever had Kombucha, but its basically a “beer type” beverage that’s actually really good for your digestion/overall health… But that helped me a lot with curving my cravings to drink…

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Pretty shortly after my son was born I went back to all my bad drinking habits… My son just turned 7 months old and within this past week I have been confronted 2 times about my drinking and breastfeeding… Apparently my mother talked to her counselor about it and she had to report it to CPS by law… Sobered me up… Day 2…

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Thanks. I’ve heard of it but never tried it. I’ll definitely go get some and try it.

I wish you the best! Mom guilt starts very early… Try not to be over judgemental of yourself, believe that you ARE making progress and becoming a better version of yourself for you and your baby. You are asking for help and seeking advice, you are heading down the right path!

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one of my daugthers was born with cold turkey,
i also blamed my self. …but blame only takes on more drinking or drug abuse. its a vicious cicle.
Just for today i stoped blaming my self and start doing different …if drinking makes me feel blame i ll stop drinking Just for today…tomorrow we’ ll see.
the most important thing to me is that it’s Just for today. …tomorrow no one has seen it.
+24 h clean and sober

I love kombucha infact Im drinking it as we speak lol
Reminds me of beer and kinda tingles but its Soooooo good for you.Look up the facts about it and I bet you will want to try it. I get a case of 6 from costco.

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Just realized i said case of 6 like its a 6 pack lol
You drink 1 kombucha a day and it’s safer if you dont try to make it at home.Basically it has stuff that helps with dextoxification, joints, cancer prevention, weight loss and improved digestion.