Pride Month (LGBTQ+ and addiction)

I am new to this app and just now seeing this post and I am BALLING!!!

I never thought that this is what I felt :sob::sob::sob: Thank you for opening my eyes. And now I can finally talk to my loved ones (who support me of course.)

@anon27760155 Thank you so much for this. Much love :two_hearts:


This phrase should be bronzed above my mantle. I’ve never heard it and it is so appropriate.

I admire your courage.


Then you should read Cordelia Fine’ s book with that title !

It’s in pdf online :


Male ánd female. Not man ór female.
Just saying :stuck_out_tongue:

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I absolutely will. Thank you!

This article should go in another thread really (LGBTQ+ & Sober: Coming Out Later In Life), but I find it useful to post it here as this is the most active LGBTQ+ on the forum.

I came out to my friends and family when I was about 30. But the process of coming out to myself, to truly accept and know myself as a gay guy, has really only just begun and started after I got clean and sober three years ago. I’m 56 and it’s an ongoing process. Lots of recovery/discovery work to do still. One day at a time. Articles like this help and move me. One love.


Times are changing for sure, but never quickly enough. Make your happiness your priority. We are all dust at the end of the day, so be happy. :heart::rainbow_flag::heart:


“This notion of someone wanting to be gay or becoming [gay] is ridiculous. I think there is nothing easier in this world than being straight."
:heartpulse: :rainbow_flag: :heartpulse:


It’s pride week in Amsterdam. I’ll miss most of it as I’m working most days. it’s OK. I’m glad it’s celebrated. One love.


Happy Pride week!


Late to the party, but here’s this year’s balcony. I moved to a badass corner unit 7 floors up from my last unit :unicorn::rainbow::heart:


Nice work space!! :rainbow_flag::transgender_flag::rainbow_flag::transgender_flag::rainbow_flag:


Just got home from work while in town the Canal Pride -after two years of absence- is happening. A bit too crowded for me. But happy there’s a good party going on. One love.



Beautiful!! Crowded!

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The canal pride as it is, might require some change…
57% of the LGBTIQ+ community thinks it’s “too commercial, too stigmatising and too Amsterdams”…

Every year this discussion comes back. In the past there have been two different organisations trying to rob each other of organising it. I’m fine with changing it. Most important point of criticism is too much commercialism if I understand the original article right and I agree 100% with that. BTW, I don’t think it’s strange more than half would like to change it as literally and by definition there is no community as diverse as the LGBTIQ+ community.


First time I read about it… but old news apparently.
Yes, too commercial but also too much focussed on nudity.
Indeed it’s not helpful for the provinces in it’s current shape…

When you’re painting your house but can’t decide on your gender :thinking: :stuck_out_tongue:


Just read this, getting a bit tired how things are turned inside out all the time on each topic in the Netherlands at the moment, their will always be pro’s and con’s. The pic looks like it was indeed a good party!

Finally… the Dutch NA rainbow flyer is approved !
Final version not ready yet, but at least it’s approved :smiley:

A while ago I had to read in the report of a business meeting of one of my homegroups that’s they didn’t vote in favour, but neutral.
When I reffered to that in the group app only stating that if I had been there I would have voted in favour, it resulted in quite a discussion.
Which I could have known, and somehow did expect to happen.

Still it was difficult having to defend my point of view while not ready to out myself to an online group of 98 persons.

It felt damn vulnerable to do exactly that though but despite some shitty responses by the Testosteron rexes, it lead me towards the path of exploring both my sexuality and gender, so it was worth it.

And today, reading yesterday’s business meeting report, it was great to read that flyer has been approved !