Hi Roseann, it’s nice to meet you! It takes courage to be honest with yourself and to own your recovery, as you are here - I am inspired by you & I know you will find what you need.
Neal made a post earlier this year with a range of resources for sex / porn / love addictions, for women and men, and you may find it helpful for your next steps:
There are other women here on Talking Sober who face the same thing (or similar) as you do; if you search around you should find someone you can message about it. I’m happy to talk about it anytime although I know it can be helpful to have a woman-identifying person to speak with.
For me a watershed moment in my recovery came last year when I joined a sex / porn / love addiction recovery group for men in my city. Speaking with those men under the guidance of a trained mentor has significantly improved my understanding of myself and my behaviour - and has helped me move forward.
We study a book by Patrick Carnes. His books are written for both men and women recovering from this addiction, and are based on his treatment of hundreds of people (again, including both women and men). He has a YouTube channel with some good interviews:
His website is here:
Welcome Roseann! You’re a good person who deserves a safe, sober life where she can be her full self. Never, ever forget that, and never, ever give up.