Pulling it together

Hey guys!
Yea so it’s been a hot minute since I’ve posted anything, eh? I’ve missed you all! I want to know how everyone is doing! Here are some updates on my end:

For those that don’t know I recently had a big move (halfway across the country). Which was a good thing because I hated where we were. BUT now I’m back in my hometown so there are some significant challenges. 1: My family - lots of triggers and they pretty much all drink (a lot). 2: Every time I leave my house I’m driving by an old hangout/bar/liquor store I used to frequent. 3: I’m nervous about running into people I know. Particularly people from my past that I want NOTHING to do with. So yea, triggers all around just from the move itself and “new” location.

Other stresses: We had to get a second vehicle right after the move. Which is great because now I can go places…like back to work. Going back to work was exciting because I needed some adult interaction. I stayed home with my son for a year and a half. Exciting - but stressful. My husband just got out of the military so we are dealing with the transition to civilian life as well.

So yea, basically our whole lives changed in a matter of weeks.

Needless to say, I haven’t had any time to write in the past 2 months. Gah just typing that out sucks. I’m hoping to get back at it soon. I have about 16,000 words and I’ve only scratched the surface. I don’t want to lose my momentum.

Anyway! Thanks for listening to me ramble. I hope everyone is doing well. I’m still here, still sober, and I’m going to try to be more social now that things have settled a bit!! :blush:


Lots of changes and new situations to figure out. Such is life. Nice to see you back!

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@MissQuinn. Great to see you around again. Congratulations on your new journey in life. I hope you love it. New always brings with it emotions but you seem to be handling them well. Best wishes on civilian life.


You’re a different person now @MissQuinn - you’ll handle all of those triggers easy peasy - and as for family and faces from the past, you can confidently tell them you don’t need to poison yourself anymore in your own inimitable way!
Great to see you back on the forum by the way.

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