Qitting crystal meth come down support

My name is pup shadrow and i am a human puppy and i am quitting crystal meth today currently comeing down from it rn and need support



Welcome to the community. You’ve come to the right place. Take hour to hour if you have to, even moment to moment. Hang in there, you’re worth it. Please be kind to yourself.


Thank you denver i need all the support i can get this isent going to be easily but really painful


Welcome! Its a hard thing youre doing and you can do it!

This place has been foundational to my recovery. Keep checking in. Find threads about coming down.

The first few weeks are rough with cravings and im only on day 21. And it has come down to me finally realizing in my heart my d.o.c. does Nothing for me and only hurts.


Hi puppy, I have been clean from meth for almost 17 years. Do you have anyone with you?
Are you coming down or detoxing from long-term abuse?


Welcome and congrats on your decision to quit. I have come down from meth a few times. The big thing to do is get some sleep. Gravol or benadryl might help with that you may have to take a few. Arrange some munchies beside you in the bed, sweet things are great for when you wake up. Try to drink all you can now, Gatorade would be great, but have that ready for when you wake up too. You will probably sleep for 2-3 days.


Long term abuse. Awruff arf arf


Thank u i will happly take your advice awrufff arf

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Yeah, I hear you. I was an extremely heavy, all day, everyday user for 7 years. My detox was dangerous, I should not have been alone. How are you feeling?


I am feeling pretty edgey still


There are lots of ways to sooth your senses if you feel like you are going to crawl out of your skin.

Some ways that work for me are.

Ice packs
Cold shower
Hot shower
Strong smells ( not poppers but vicks vapor rub, incense, )
Filling a sink with really cold soapy water and focusing on the bubbles in my hands.
Listening to non triggering music
Chewing cinnamon gum.
Chewing ice cubes

Might sound insane but I have felt very insane whilst cleaning up.


How ru feeling darling? Here to support you!

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Hang in there, keep fighting, it gets better as time goes on.

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Pup Shadrow,

Welcome home. Take time to take a few deep breaths, stay hydrated, have some treats for nourishment and be good to yourself. You’ll do great buddy boy🦮!!! Woof.


Hello ru there? How ru feeling x