Question for someone new

Hi all. New to community. With the help of this app and reaching out to family ive manage to reach 3 weeks sober for 1st time in 4+ years. I was up to drinking 2 fiths of vodka a day just to seem somewhat normal. Im curious people expirence in recovery.

I can sleep 10 hours a day and still seem tired. Im use to sleeping 4 and not being tired. Have others expirenced this? I also seem to have rough mood swings, just wondering if this is normal.



Congratulations! You have come along way! Expect to have your body be readjusted for quite some time. I was sleeping and incredible amount and always tired. But it does get better. The last thing I felt like doing was exercising, but I found that even if I just walked around the block, I felt better. Seriously, I’m proud of you, and you should be proud of yourself!


Your body has a lot healing to do, so let it if you can. The chemistry in your brain is readjusting, your liver is regenerating, you’re getting better :slightly_smiling_face:. Drink lots of water and I recommend fish oil to restore the healthy fats in your brain. Im glad you’re here, welcome :slightly_smiling_face:.


WELCOME! Congratulations on your sobriety!!
I was drunk for 50 years but am now sober for 3 yrs 9 months and 3 weels…
As others have shared I have experienced TONS of changes in my physical and emotional self. For example I lost 160 pounds! From 320 to 160 pounds! Mentally I still struggle with this vile disease but have grown a lot stronger fighting it off.
I share this for encouragement not self praise…
I personally found AA to be a great source of learning a better way to live and subsequently THIS community for GREAT support…
Be proud of EVERY 24 you win, Stay STRONG, and lean on us for support! We do this TOGETHER!


My experience, strength, hope. Is that i have not giving up on doing step work, talking to my sponsor everyday. I even call him when i think of a thought that sounds good at the moment. I always ask his opinion to see if i am being not insane about my thought. For an example of this. Is driving down a highway, Seeing someone driving reckless. Passing truck drivers on the break down lane on the right side of a truck, cutting that driver off and another. My first thought wasnt so good of a thought. Holding my self accountable, not being in denial about my diesease is amazingly been beneficial to me.