Quitting smoking After 20+ years

Well, after more than twenty years smoking, I need to quit. It’s been hard because it’s been my vice for anything. Stress from work, smoke. Going through a divorce, smoke. Get into an argument, smoke to calm down. Just ate a big meal, smoke. I mean I found or find any reason to. And it’s been something to help me stay calmer. I know that I want to, and that’s step one. I don’t smoke much when I have my kids because I’m with them and they don’t even know I smoke. But I need an out.

What are some of the things anyone has done to supplement the cigarette? Gym, jog, some kind of sport?

And supplemental fixations used? Carrots, celery, gum, candy?

I’m looking to get myself in the best position for success off of this. I don’t want to turn back ever.

Thank you in advance to anyone that takes the time to read my post and/or respond


I shall be following this post.

Kicked the alcohol 10 days ago and would like to stop smoking now also. After smoking for 25 years I fear it’s going to be harder than not drinking.

Good luck. I suppose I will see what support is available through the NHS. Maybe nicorette stuff. I have no idea where to begin.

Highly recommend reading Allen Carr’s Easyway to quit smoking!! It was a significant factor in helping me stop smoking and I can proudly say now that I am a healthy happy non-smoker : ) this book has also helped a lot of people I know to quit over the years too. It’s a great tool, and if your serious and determined, you will be able to do this. Also recommend drinking LOTS of water, staying busy, and letting thoughts and cravings for nicotine pass, because they will. Just don’t pick up that first smoke. Don’t put nicotine into your body. To be a non smoker, all you have to do is believe it and NOT smoke, no matter what. “You won’t smoke because you don’t smoke”. Tell yourself this when you have a ‘craving’ and then move on. You will be feeling super amazing in a few weeks time, as the fog lifts and you start to actually taste food again! You will have more energy and will sleep so much better. There are so many amazing things on the way to you :blush::raised_hands:


I quit smoking 11 years ago after 30+ years. Here is a thread with my info/suggestions and many others. Hopefully helfpful for you!

Continuing the discussion from Quitting smoking after quitting drinking

And huge congrats on making this change! It is hard, but so worth it!

**Sadly, the support community quitnet is shutting down as of the end of the year.


No Allan Carr when i stopped ,i was 1 years sober was smoking 60 a day full strength cigs was going to the gym and they dont mix so i had a choice smoke or gym and gym won that was 32 years ago wish you well

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I quit the same day that I went sober which was 29 days ago. I’m 33 and have been smoking since I was 15. Went cold turkey. Figured since I was giving up the drink, I’d give up the smokes. You can look up that book on YouTube bro.

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