Random Pains

Been sober again for over a week now. Keep experiencing random pains in sides and abdomen, on both sides. So could be stomach or liver. As soon as they pop up, they seem to pass. Any ideas?

How’s your water intake?

Pretty good actually. Yea I think it is related to dehydration too, but like I said, they are wandering

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When in doubt, see your doc. No fooling.

Could just be heartburn, may just need a good… movement (stopped pipes aren’t uncommon). Or could be something else. In recovery it’s easy to chalk it all up to the drink, but health is health and the beat goes on.

If it doesn’t go away or gets bad, I’d call the pros (and be honest).


Well ended up in ER, blood in urine. So far money is on kidney stone

Oh. Oh no.

Glad you got some help and… Man, good luck! :muscle: They do an ultrasound or scan?

Scan…no results yet

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Wow, how little has changed in a year. Now I know what the pain is chronic acute pancreatitis. No more kidney stones yet, but high protein output in urine. Day 4, this time around.

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