Still going strong. Still not quit cigarettes. So far New Year has been the most difficult night of sobriety but I repressed the urge and just fought with my girl instead. Conflict can be external as well as internal.
Next major landmark will be my birthday. It’s a few months away but history dictates I get drunk off my ass in a wild night with everyone I know. After a number of incidents since embracing sobriety in which I’ve experienced drunk aggression and saw homies lose lunch due to excess, I’ve grown to detest people’s hammered behaviour and my resolve has only strengthened.
And while I’d never advise the bitter spark to anyone trying to quit drinking, you may find it difficult to reconcile with people’s wasted eccentricities. Cool. Use it. Just don’t let it consume you or tarnish your relationship with that person. We’re all on our own journey, after all.
It’s 2AM and I can’t sleep so my message is probably all over the place but the skinny is; smash life, smash sobriety, take pride in every second that you make the choices you want to make. You’re doing Hella good.
I don’t post here much but I’m always lurking, counting the days. If anyone needs a pep talk or an open ear, hit me.