Realisation... I'm a bigger alcoholic than i thought

Never did i dream I’d go to an AA meeting. Just looked up where my nearest one is and I’m going Wednesday . I need to talk and get this all out. This group is fantastic and thank you all for making me realise i am an alcoholic. But I’m not ready to share my story on here. There is so much and Its to embarrassing. I’m 38 and have been drinking for the last 14 years every single day. So you can imagine there’s a lot of stories :roll_eyes::open_mouth:


Your not alone…
Took me over 3 months to finally share my true story, it was humbling…i was embarrassed, but i had to do it…not for anyone but myself.
I think the meetings are a great idea but Just know at the start its better to listen…sharing comes in time…when your ready.
Stay strong…stay sober!

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I feel your pain. Im 30 and have been drinking on and off for the past 15 years. Pretty solid for the last 5. Stay strong

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