I am in severe financial debt, as broke as I have ever been in my life and I am so close to picking up a drink again and forgetting about it. I am very frustrated.
Im sorry you are in that situation. I think you need to do this sober, because drinking will only cause more problems.Keep your head clear so you are able to truely think of your next move.
Business for my husband and I has been slow for he past few weeks and everyday that someone comes in and doesnt buy I feel more and more anxious.Ive been praying and trying to keep myself busy.If i were to drink just for the time being to numb the stress the lie Id tell myself is hey have a few each day just to get through this and then when we get buyers you can stop!Thats NOT true.If I drink, it will escalate to embarassing texts and conversations, blackouts and a hangover every few days and the nobody will come in our store because I wont open it up .Ill be on the tiolet and the bed all day.
Thank you for that but I would be dishonest in saying that I didnt drink tonight. I had 2 beers but I know im gonna be back in the same situation tomorrow so I just need to focus. That overwhelming hopeless feeling consumes me sometimes. I just have to keep fighting. I live by myself which doesnt make things any better you know. I never realized how bad my drinking was until the consequences arrived. Thank you again.
I’m 7 days sober and in the middle of a relationship breakup i just wanted to drown the agony away but as everyone on here reminded me I will feel 100 times more shit and nothing will have changed stay strong
Being in severe financial debt means the LAST thing you should do is have a drink.
You need your wits about you and need to be sober.
Sorry about that! Survival instinct needs to kick in. And you won’t get out of your situation drunk!
Good luck.
I agree with @Charlesfreck.
Drinking will only make the problem worse. I’m sure you know that deep down.