Really need to stop drinking

Little late but a very Big Congratulations on 60 days…

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Congratulations @printerman - Right behind you! 60 days today. We are doing it. 2 months of one day at a time :heart:


That great news lastry. I hope it has not been a painful journey.

Congrats on 2 months


I’m at 90 days and feeling fine!


Great work bro. Its amazing how quickly the days add up. While at the same time feeling like forever.

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That is awesome!!!


Congratulations on your 90 days

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I was kicked out of my parents at 18 and living on the street and was in a trap house and a black guy who I thought was a angel forever was there planting seeds and asked me if I knew Jesus and I said yeah and he asked me if I knew what Bible means and I said no and he told me Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth and that stuck with me. I never heard that before and then I almost got raped killed and I was shot at then I went to my parents and said I need a rest. I had no veins and I was getting sick. I was trying to watch TV and the only thing on was the 700 club and they had a heroin addict that God saved. I don’t remember the story but I thought about the BIBLE thing the black guy said and that 700 club story and I was sick and tired of the game and being sick and tired. I didn’t pray but I cried out to God. I said God I can’t do this by myself. Send someone. Do something. Then there was a crack of thunder but it wasn’t raining and immediately after a call from an unknown number and I accidentally answered and they said they were praying for me and then was disconnected. Then 2 weeks later I meet my future husband who accepted what I was and helped me. I needed him and God gave me what I needed. Then I was in jail and a book was like my life and the guy was like my ex who was a junkie too and God saved them. So I thought I have to dig into this but the Bible never made sense to me but I got a Bible and I opened it to the book of Job and God changed me. He spoke to me in the green pastures of a jail cell. And I called out toGod I had to quit the dope but the track marks were messing with me and over night He blessed me and took them all away except for my left ankle which I still have 14 years later to always remember what He did. I know I am let alive for a reason and thank you for keeping me motivated. I recently went blind and your music helps keep my mind on proper things. Which I need because I am human. I know He is a miracle maker and nothing is impossible for Him!

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