Reasons why I can't drink/use and what to do instead

Reasons why I can’t (or won’t) drink/ use:
I don’t stop at 1 (I binge drink)
1 is too much and 1,000 not enough
Drinking leads me to using
I blackout quite a bit
I feel guilty, shameful, and self-hatred after I drink
I take meds for depression
Meds make intoxication worse
Hangovers get worse and worse
Recovery from hangovers gets longer and longer
I embarrass myself
Drinking makes me lazy and selfish
I don’t enjoy hobbies, keep up with tasks, or spend quality time with loved ones when I drink
I suffer depression, self-pity, and anxiety after I drink
Things get worse, not better
People I drank with were not truly friends (we just had something in common)
I become who I hang around
Horrible decisions
Total waste of time

What to do instead:
Meet a friend for coffee
Go see a movie
Talk a walk/ride a bike
Draw, paint, read a book
Go to the library
Search local paper for free events
Go out to dinner or try a new recipe at home
Go to a recovery meeting
Start a journal/ art journal on sobriety
Go for a photo walk (take pictures)
Call and talk to a loved one
Volunteer at organization important to you
Take your dog to the park
Try a new place for dessert or bake something at home
Create a spa night at home for yourself
Go grocery shopping for yourself (healthier options)
Make a list of things you used to enjoy and want to do again
List of triggers and how to avoid them (your truth)
A goodbye letter to your addiction
Positive reasons for being sober (why you fight this battle)

Feel free to add more ideas for others


Why I can’t drink:
Weight gain
No interest in exercise
No interest in anything really
Lying all the time to people I love
Once I have one sip, my whole day centers around being and staying drunk, nothing else matters

What to do instead:
Watch Intervention (love this show!)
Food, I forgot how much I love food. Whole meals would be replaced by drinks easily
Meetings and reading AA material

The rest I’m figuring out as I go. I’d like to do whatever I did before and learn to enjoy it sober.


Wow, I was just going over this stuff in my head! Not happy it exists but I’m relieved to hear I’m not alone. We can do this!!!


Good luck with ur sobriety… Have you tried yoga… It helps me