Recommendations for newbies?

Seeing recommendations for success in recovery?

Tips, tricks, resources, books to read, workbooks…

Please share anything that helped you on your journey.


Welcome! So many links to so much information and inspiration can be found here…not just how the forum works, but on finding sobriety, resources, working recovery, how to approach holidays, etc etc…a wealth of inspiration…

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Welcome Yellow :yellow_heart:

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I just went to AA and it worked got sober staid sober wish you well


I surrendered the idea that I could do it alone, surrounded myself with like minded alcoholics & addicts and do it daily so I don’t forget.


Attended my 1st AA meeting today. It was via Zoom but I think it was a good 1st step.


Yes! I love online meetings. Glad you took that step!

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Welcome to the group and happy holidays!

I’d say going to meetings for sure, that will give you a chance to meet people in the same situation as yourself.
Checking in on here is also a great means of support, theres always someone kicking around of here to talk to.

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Lots of flavored seltzer water if alchohol is your addiction.


For me I went rehab, outpatient, counseling/therapy, medication, AA, and the 12 steps. Basically I was willing to do anything and everything to get sober.


Great tip!

Christmas Eve I went to the store with the exact purpose of filling my fridge with a ton of nonalcoholic beverage options. Sparkling water, a variety of decaf teas, sparkling probiotic drinks, lemonade (I love a good 50/50 lemonade and sparkling water or 50/50 lemonade and tea), kombucha, alkaline water, and grapefruit juice. I’m definitely a drinker. I need something to sip on all the time.

I’m definitely open to other low calorie (50 or less) caffeine free drink ideas!


I’m on day 4 alcohol free, I’ve been to two Zoom AA meetings, I have a therapy and psychiatrist appointment tomorrow to get back on meds and work through this. I don’t know much about the 12 steps yet but I’m willing to do the work to learn. Thanks for the reply. The anxiety is kinda out of control right now.