Recovery Dharma Thread

Attended four Recovery Dharma meetings this week in the evenings. A great way to end my day with meditation and shares.


Same group? Or different groups each time?

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The universe delivers again

from “The Pocket Thich Nhat Hanh (Shambhala Pocket Classics)” by Thich Nhat Hanh, Melvin McLeod -

“Many people have the idea that they are not good at anything, that they are not able to be as successful as other people. They cannot be happy; they envy the accomplishments and social standing of others while regarding themselves as failures if they do not have the same level of worldly success.”

This was 100% me drinking. Every letter, every sentence of that quote. I have grown in this area tremendously. However, i still have a ways to go.

We are having a competition after work…a competition in my wheel house. Something I am really good at and in all reality I should be putting on a clinic tonight on “how to do it”. The young guys at work know this. So, they divised the rules to handicap me.

Lot of anxiety, because…it will make me inferior. Then I read this. No matter what happens, I am not a failure…as I said yesterday I just need to “Be” and enjoy the fellowship with my co workers.


There is a LA based online group I like the most. They meet at a time that is very convenient for me and I like their vibe. They host online meetings six days a week. If I can’t attend one of their meetings I’ll log into some other group.
I enjoy the format very much: Meditation, reading, sharing. Great dynamic for me.

Enjoy your competition :muscle:


Thats pretty cool…I just cant male the jump to on line meetings. One day I will get with it and use this centuries technology

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:grin: You’ll get there ‘old man’ :wink:
There are just no local dharma meetings where I live and I have a kid to take care of, so logging in online just makes it easily accessible for me.


Bwahahah…guilty as charged! Closest one is about 45 minutes away from me. Part of the draw of it is the time alone in the car for the drive.


So you get to demonstrate how to do it, and how to do it with humility. And that is 100% the point of team building. It’s not a d**k measuring contest, it’s an opportunity to fellowship, to experience your coworkers in a new way. You’ve got the right attitude going in!


Well, it isnt now…lol.



I love that. I can be a perfectly me, good and bad…and in the bad, still be ok.

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from “The Pocket Thich Nhat Hanh (Shambhala Pocket Classics)” by Thich Nhat Hanh, Melvin McLeod -

“To “let go” means to let go of something. That something may be an object of our mind, something we’ve created, like an idea, feeling, desire, or belief. Getting stuck on that idea could bring a lot of unhappiness and anxiety. We’d like to let it go, but how? It’s not enough just to want to let it go; we have to recognize it first as being something real.”

Start reading this book for free: The Pocket Thich Nhat Hanh (Shambhala Pocke... - Kindle


The pocket Pema Chodron


That page is always tough for me to internalize. Thank you for sharing.


from “The Pocket Thich Nhat Hanh (Shambhala Pocket Classics)” by Thich Nhat Hanh, Melvin McLeod -

“Human beings are not our enemy. Our enemy is not the other person. Our enemy is the violence, ignorance, and injustice in us and in the other person. When we are armed with compassion and understanding, we fight not against other people, but against the tendency to invade, to dominate, and to exploit. We don’t want to kill others, but we will not let them dominate and exploit us or other people. You have to protect yourself. You are not stupid. You are very intelligent and you have insight. Being compassionate does not mean allowing other people to do violence to themselves or to you. Being compassionate means being intelligent. Nonviolent action that springs from love can only be intelligent action.”

Start reading this book for free: The Pocket Thich Nhat Hanh (Shambhala Pocke... - Kindle


Hard for me to put into words how, but this really makes sense to me right now.

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Is this always the book your screenshots are from?

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I always post from the pocket pema Chodron yes :pray:
I have purchased the book @Thirdmonkey posts from, it’s another gem :gem:.
I stick to posting from the Pema chodrons post as I really find it insightful and learn something when ever third monkey posts from his book - it hits different when it pops up from someone else. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks! Yes, I like both of those books. I think I will buy yours first… or just wait until you’ve posted every page😀


100% agree with getting the one she is posting from first! Great intro, besides the Recovery Dharma book, into this recovery program.