Recovery Poetry, Let me see what ya got

Not as dark as my last one (Can’t believe that was three years ago)

So I’m here again, I did come back.
Just like the tides, I’m easy to track.
This time I won’t believe my own lies.
That I can have just one, cause I got wise.
At least I like to think so, back again so here we go, next time I’ll definitely say No.


Your raw flow is beautiful @Bearded1 i hope you keep sharing

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Rub a dub dub I’m no longer a drunk

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The first sip feels like a dream
That soft burn in my throat
I know what this means

Soon, the glass will be empty
The glass will be filed again
With this beautiful red dress

Tasting the wine
I feel more like myself than ever

My thoughts stop racing
The chains holding me back

So do I
Into the euphoria
Of having another sip

Just a bit more
Then I’ll stop
I promise

It’s the last time
Tomorrow, I will hate myself
And swear to never drink so much alone again

I will do it again
Because wine is my weakness


This makeshift life
Whispers of inevitability.
Errant choices made
With evangelical zeal,
Soundtracked by gasps
from the dreary eyed crowd.


Thank you. Writing is my release anymore. It’s been my go to since I was a teenager


I was thinking about how addiction takes us away from the ones we love, whether that is another person or our own true selves and came up with this:

I sit, bewitched, as time trickles by.
And there is You, always you.
Barely seem to notice me, anymore,
But before, oh, before…

In the before times, our minds would collide
In cold light
Through hemispheres and burst
Into the infantisimal beauty of the heavens beyond.
We are gone.

Flying above all that haunts us below
We go slow.
Take our time and explore
Every echelon of the ever after, our laughter,
Was a salve.

In the before times.

We are blind to each other.
Fumbling in formless corners.
A world apart.
Teetering on opposite sides of the abyss that this, this thing.
This thing that cannot be named has brought us to, me and you.

And I sit here, bewitched.
And there is you, always you.
And I…miss you.


Beautiful @Dilettante love the flow.

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Thank you :blush::heart:

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I can’t make poems,
But I love all of you


I got told to be patient

While a soul is in my body

I just want to feel weightless

There’s nobody out there to stop me

The house will be empty

Just me, two dogs and one chicken

I’m not suicidal, just messed up mentally

I’m the one who stops the gun from clicking

Do you feel my pain?

You can’t see my scars

No we’re not the same

I wear them on my heart

Is it me who messed up?

Why is my mind like a minefield?

Depression really sucks

Welcome to my mind that’s ill

Suicidal ideations confront me lately

No I don’t want to die

I’ll suffer until it’s my time

No way I’m leaving my kids with my ex wife

Or taking away moments from my wife

Letting my stepdaughter down

Paint my face every single day

Boy don’t I feel like a damn clown

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