Relapse after 8 weeks

So Saturday after 8 full weeks i decided to have a drink… ended up having a few, sunday night i had a few more. Last nigh and tonightt i had a few more…here’s to starting afresh…

Welcome back. It’s a good time to dust yourself off, read up, and ask yourself what you’re going to do differently this time. You know what happens and how you feel when you drink. It’s not good. And it’s the same every time. Good reason to try walking a new path :innocent:

The good news is you recognize it and you’re starting again. Did you try a recovery group last time? Something to help yourself build up a new sober self, with support from other people in a recovery program?


It happens, good news is you’re back on the horse. My last relapse lasted 2 years… not fun.


Well, you have 8 weeks under your belt. No one can take that away from you. That’s good going and, hopefully, you can use that as a springboard.

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On this forum there is a thread of why people relapse, the main point on it was that people thought they could just drink one beer, it lead to one guy drinking everyday for the next two years. He is on here trying again, alot of people say that once you relapse that you drink alot more. Don’t know and would not like to find out.