Relapse in sex addiction

Hey and welcome. Congrats on being sober for years in one area. And although you relapsed with the sex addiction I’m pretty sure you know what to do; you managed for 4 months. So go back to those tools,plus you’ve gotten good advice here. @Sophiesrecovery is someone I think who could help;no offense fellas…I just think sometimes it helps to find another female who’s dealing with the same problem, cuz we as females already find it challenging to come out about this kinda stuff. I’m like your next door neighbor, I’m a female porn and masturbation addict,so I have a close idea of what you’re going through.


No offense taken. #ittakesavillage


Definitely. Community. Sisterhood. Brotherhood. Whatever it takes.


Agreed,once it’s safe…so no Kool aid lol right? @DungeonMaster


As long as it’s the non-troll version.

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I guess getting hiv ,aids and sexurally transmitted diseases is a great way to live too rite?

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That sounds like the way to go down. In a blaze of glory! Or like a lot of pain and humiliation.

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Sophie hasn’t been around in a while but she’s definitely good to talk to.

It would appear that the lad has been given a time-out.


Unleash the Banhammer!

boom* down goes another one.


Hey buckethead, is this that shitshow u were talking about? Lol
Only one thing to say about that dude…


@DowntroddenGoat is the keeper of the Banhammer, but has temporarily given control of if to the board.

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Yeah sex with a committed partner is much better than rando hook ups. I did that shit bc I thought that’s what macho dudes in the early 20’s do. Took me a long time to realize that most people don’t do that and definitely don’t think it’s cool.


I like that you used “rando” we use that a lot in our house. Second what you all said. The one and only sec partner I’ve ever had was/is my wife. Not that I’m all virtuous or anything, but it is a lot more special.


I would like to settle down and get married at some point now that I’m not a raging drug addict. It would be nice if the next person I slept with was my last, but she will definitely be someone I’m in a committed relationship with.


Thank you, I needed that. Eloquently put.

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I thought people would like that. :grin:

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Thanks for chiming in. I knew we had someone here with a very similar story but couldn’t remember who it was. I totally agree that people with this addiction can best relate to those of the same sex. Glad you two have connected!