Relapse yet again

You need to start running with the Winners. Alcoholics Anonymous. You will meet people you need to get to know and who will help you get through your current travails with a little less pain. But make no mistake, staying in RECOVERY, not just staying “'sober” or “abstinent” is work that you have not outlined that you have done, so make a personal promise to yourself that you will do whatever it takes to stay in the 12 Step Program and be open minded, tolerant and willing to change. No change can happen in your mind and your body until you resolve to follow instructions (from a treatment program if you are in treatment, and in AA). First thing you should do at this point is get a professional substance use disorder assessment from a licensed professional where you live. It should be someone who can at least make a cursory screen for mental health disorders since about 60% of those with substance use disorders are also dealing with one or more mental health disorders. First you have to get clean and into the 12 Step Program and regularly attend live meetings.

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Drinking erases will power…hence why moderating doesnt work


Give sobriety all you have. It’s a better way of life


I’m exactly the same. Relapse get sober for a gew months, relapse get sober gor a week, relapse get sober for a few weeks repeat repeat repeat. Thats been my pattern for years and its really wearing me down. Sorry I’m not much help to you. But you are certainly not alone. I would appreciate some help myself Tried AA for years. Ah well.
.keep trying!!!

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Keep trying