Relapsed again

Relapsed Sept 16, and barely sobering up. Any tips or help that I can get so this doesn’t turn into a vicious cycle…?

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Be kind to yourself. I’ve been relapsing all year. Getting worse each time. Started AA. Have you tried?

No I’ve downplayed it for the longest. Thought I didn’t need AA/NA. but now I’m looking more in that direction. How do you like it?

Hated it at first. Talked myself out of it for years only going in when I was at my lowest. But I’ve got an alcoholic mind that tricks me into thinking I’m OK. But I’m not. I cause chaos when I drink and have put myself in some dangerous situations. The furthest away from my last drink I am the more I forget how bad I was and the easier it is to pick up a drink and start the chaos all over again!
I’ve started to listen in AA and stopped judging others. I’m only 11 days sober but I’m getting some support from the people there and have numbers to phone when I’m struggling. It’s worked for so many others that I’m willing to give it a try. I’ve got hope it’ll work for me. I hate who I am when I’m drinking. I’ll do anything to stay sober. I’ve tried lots of different things though so I would suggest trying everything and see what works for you x