Relapsed cant stop crying

What is wrong with me? I was so close to a month being sober amd jutst drank I cant stop crying, I feel like shit. I just hate mysekf right now. I threw all my days away for nothing I was doing so good. I dont want to start over this sucks. Why why alwaya me…


hey, you were close to one month what is awesome. so you can do it. don’t hate yourself for failing. i relapsed too a few times and did hate me too, i felt like garbage. but this feeling does not help, it only helps your alcohol-brain to grow stronger again. focus on your strength, you can do this again! huggs :hugs:


Thank you so much, I am just so disappointed I couldnt wait to hit 30 days and then I threw it all away. I cant control my emotions and just keep crying. Im so tired of this cycle I just want to never drink again but then I always find a way back to it…

If someone drank three days out of 500 people would praise them on their commitment and strength. Learn from it and grow, don’t practice self-loathing, that accomplishes nothing. You’ll be better because of this relapse, not worse. Sometimes our alcohol brains secretly want a crisis, so we can easily find an excuse to run and hide in the arms of a bottle. Try not to over think it into a crisis. We ALL relapse friend, you got this!


I just feel stupid, all I had to do was say no but instead choose to drink, I cant stop crying, I dont want to be an alcoholic like ny father, alcohol makes me a horrible person i dont understand why I even get The urge to drink. This was the longest Ive went without drinking (almost a month) and now I just threw it all away. … Ive never been more disappointed in myself. Ik everyone is saying mistakes happen, but I know I shoild habe said no! I choose to drink… I cant belive this…


Dry your eyes and remember this: You are strong!!!

You drank. Now what? I’ll tell you, remember this moment. I actually recorded myself in my drunk moments and watching it is a reminder of why I am sober. You have to put in work EVERYDAY. Here’s something I often say to myself “I can, I will, and I must do my best.” Sometimes we have to encourage ourselves! Don’t beat yourself up. You are strong. Once you decide to stop, never give yourself permission to drink again. You got this my friend!


You drank. Done. End of story. Beating yourself up and crying could lead you right back to the bottle.

So cut it out pal!!:wink: It’s a new day and today is all that matters. Don’t drink today


Some great, great things…
You had a month. That means you can control it.
You feel horrible. Let that be your reminder as to why you quit.
You regret deeply. It shows your rationale is correct.

Some things to know…
You can’t allow yourself to be lured in by anyone else or their “Good Time”.
Apparently while rationale is correct, there is a problem w the execution.

What to do now…
Know your triggers. What brought up the temptation? Today is THE Trigger Day for me. Sunny, no clouds 70 degrees. In my old life I’d be on Broad Street, drinking and flirting w new bar-temptress.
Have a plan. I know the places I have to avoid. I simply don’t go there. I plan my drive so I don’t pass a liquor store. Some days I have to go out of my way, but I do. I hav changed my friends (in reality, my Drinking Buddies were friends with Alcohol, I just happened to be there. When I quit, they faded away.)
Know what to say if asked to drink.
Know what you’ll do when temptation arises.



Chandler beat me to it!

Figure out what those triggers are. Use it as a learning experience. No one is perfect! Keep your head up and learn from it. We can’t change past actions but we can learn from them and grow from them!

You got this!


I’m the same way having so much trouble admitting that yes I have a problem and doing it my way is not working. Going to AA I just feel shameful and embarrassed beyond belief even though my husband is so supportive I just can’t accept this. I never had a problem in my 20s just been last few years. Usually when I’m anxious or in social anxiety situations. I drank yesterday too I’m in the same boat. Tomorrow is a new day I just need help avoiding the liquor aisle at the stores. That’s another problem alcohol literally is everywhere! !!! Even in the drug stores it’s crazy probably why half of us started out this way so easy get your hands on it. Good luck I hope this works for you and me hope we are celebrating a month sober I’ve only accomplished 1 mo but screwed up before getting my chip. It was awful

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This is why we are all here. You will do well. Hit the reset button. I believe in you.

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Wow almost a month I remember that!! You should be celebrating your sober days and not punishing yourself for relapsing. And yes I may get yelled at but like most of us know…even when we know we have had it and truly want to get sober.
Relapsing in the first few months or sometimes years is sometimes how we truly understand! And know that we are growing…I had four months which was the longest time I have had when I was really doing it for Me! And I relapsed for two weeks thank god that was all it took to show me just how bad and how fast I went out of control within days it was way worse then I’ve ever been…but after this two week binge I woke up one morning with the sun shining on my face and thought what the hell am I doing and i called all my friends from aa and my sponser and told them what was really up and I went back to my meetings and homegroup full of fear and self loathing and blah blah and I was greeted with hugs and understanding and I was like what? But that in itself has been my greatest lesson and growth so far…
I feel like that had to happen for me too fully get it!. I am getting ready to do my 4th step in the next week or so and I am scared shitless…but I am coming up on 4 months again and feel like I have learned so much from my imperfections…remember -Do not be discouraged. No one among us has been able to maintain anything like perfect adherence to these principles. We are not saints. The point is, that we are willing to grow along spiritual lines. The principles we have set down are guides to progress. We claim spiritual progress rather than spiritual perfection.

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dont dwell thats awesome getting to where you are, so what 1 relapse??? just get your engines going again

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Today is all that matters. I like that. Really easy way to say it happened, its over with so lets get past it. Today is a new day :slight_smile: