Relapsed.Did I ever really commit to sobriety?

Good luck :four_leaf_clover:

Can’t wait to hear how it goes!

I am waiting for everyone to come soooo…
I think it’s this Hot Greek winter…but it’s hot haahahahah

AA is the only place I can be 100% honest with other people, and not have anything to fear.
It’s a valuable tool, for that alone, and theres so much more to get out of it.

Brother, you are not alone on relapsing. I’ve relapsed so many time it’s not funny then I’d be mad at self but I would continue to drink and daily. Finally I got over the 3 or 4 hump and I’m at 18 days today. Everyone is diffrent but you got to stay busy by doing something to distract your brain. I collect baseball cards, watch older movies, read about history, and house chores. You are not alone. We got alot of knowledgeable people in this group and I honestly think that’s why I’ve went this long. I finally realized I’m an alcoholic and I cant just have or two but I seem I wasnt alone in this battle. Stay strong my friend, you are in my prayers and thoughts.


The biggest surprise for me being sober and going out was realizing that the majority of people drank about a quarter if what I would normally drink on a night out. Most were a slightly drunk but not out of control drunk


Soooooo. Kinda grateful that I relapsed now. Not happy about it but grateful. It pushed me to take a step towards going to this meeting.

I am a bit overwhelmed right now. I am not going to go into the details with the routine of a meeting cause it’s here…
I said that I was first time attending and it was said if people would talk about beginnings and early days cause of new people attending.

This app is great and people are amazing and sharing here and reading helps a lot and helped a lot. It got me here. It got me working on getting better at getting better.
There is a really big difference in being with people in the same room , the feeling of it was something else.
The point is whatever it takes and whatever works. I met couple of really nice people and they were nice people. Like nice proper people. Something I am not now and I want to be. We talked after and it stirs you up.
I have no idea how other meetings look like but this one was really pleasant and impactful.
I will go back.
To everybody who keeps relapsing , I really can’t say much but the thing that was said here many times,doing the same thing all over again and expecting different results is insanity. This is my new thing. I hope for the best of results.

Thanks to all the people here and Good bless !

I really don’t know what I wrote above but…I need to let it settle down…will be here and sober


awesome to hear. hope to hear more about your experience attending meetings :slight_smile:

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Good one man! I felt like that after my first one. Because there were a couple of newbies they did the same thing. Nice feeling yeah?

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All the way home !

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Brilliant. So glad you went, I hope for a new beginning for you @Umpf

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I started day 1 yesterday already drinking as I type. I keep thinking o can control it…its crazy. Its like a habit around 5pm I have to go to the store. Try again tomorrow…I suck😢 You should be proud have done better than a lot of us.

Mimi sorry to hear about that, but can you do something else or call someone or whatever to stop. How are you now ?

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Your post made me so happy I nearly started crying. I totally get what you mean about being grateful for the relapse. Sometime we need to fall down JUST so we can pick ourselves back up.


Super proud of you!

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Awe yeah brother. Now you now! It’s always there for you. Fucking awesome man. Thank you for posting.

Clearing up over here and the withdrawls are almost done!!! Your post will help me get to a meeting when I get back home.

Keep at it bro, dont forget how you feel now vs how you did. It only gets better.

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Great job man! I’m proud of you.
I still haven’t been at a meeting yet. They meet 1x/week here on wednesdays. I think i’ll try to go there next wednesday. I already get sweaty hands when I think about that and I dunno why :sweat_smile:

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Thank you all for your kind words and support.

Kints , I can’t really say much except that I went out of my way , really really 1000 miles out to drink or use. I can’t really recommend it in a way that I have no idea what I would recommend but I need something different and hope this will take me all the way. I’ll post on my progress here, toughts and opinions as did many of us here and I hope you do everything in your power to feel and be better…


What you said means a lot. A big Thank you.

I am now comming back from a meeting and I want to keep coming back. I don’t know how to put it words well but in my case it puts things in perspective, a new one, the ones I had failed.
All the best .