Relapsed? Idk

I used to be, I think, overly concerned about numbers of days sober, perhaps to the extent that I tied other things into it, personal strength, self-worth etc. If someone asks how long my sobriety is I’ve always got the counter on this app but I have stopped counting. It is really up to you whether you start counting again, whatever motivates you. Play by your own rules but do not let yourself off the hook is how I approach it.
After all, I don’t need more keyrings or coins.


I see where youre coming from. I started off doing that and then just stopped counting. You make a good point with that. I never thought of it like that. If youre motivated youd keep counting and if youre not, well you stop counting.
Im guessing youre no longer clean giving you “dont need more keyrings or coins”. I wish you the best:) thank you for giving me a new way to looka at it.

Hi Azzam2420, I have been clean for a few months. It’s just that I relapsed enough times in the past to collect quite a few keyrings and coins (24 hours, 3 months, 18 months etc). Perhaps I should give some back for recycling. I’ve only ever once seen someone do this at a meeting, and that was when they relapsed.

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SSRI or snri involved? You could need a stabizer? I’m bi polar… And if I don’t go absolutely wild I will have a crazy low that feels exactly like that…

Id say maybe dont give some back if it can result in a relapse. Id keep them just to show how far ive come and how much ive achieved, like a reminder of my journey. That’s just me though. But im proud of you for those couple of months!

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