Relapsed 🥺

You got this. I’m at 8 days today. It’s been helping me to think about the end result if I start drinking. That “one” is ever just one. Keep your head up. :slightly_smiling_face:


Everyone fails sometime I failed on my 100 day marker as well but now I’m 92 days back in the game keep your head up


Keep it up. I’m on day 15 and it sucks but in thr long run it will be worth it.

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You’ve learned a valuable lesson, now it’s up to you to use it to be wiser, stronger and more determined than ever :muscle: you have the ability to be and stay sober, if you choose it. You are worthy of love, sobriety, happiness and joy :blush: please know this, and believe it for it is the truth. You deserve love and respect, but you must give it to yourself before you can receive it from others. Take things one day at a time and remember why you’re here and why you made a decision to stop drinking. It is because you care. It is because you know your life can be so much more. Time for a life changing opportunity now to take effect - a life without alcohol…wow! Imagine what it CAN and WILL become! If you make it so :heart: it’s take action though. It takes hardwork and conviction. You never have to relapse again.but you will need to do whatever it takes to live your best, sober life. It all starts now. Don’t drink today. Find something better to do! Something that you will feel proud of.
Wishing you all the best :blush:

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It’s learning how to deal with the distorted thinking. When you begin to tell yourself it’s OK or that you deserve a drink or that you really just want to feel the drunken high. It’s literally learning how to get through the urges. I love when I push through and then hours later or the next day and I am so happy with myself and pleased that I pushed through and said no.

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I have relapsed also . It’s weather you keep lying down or get back up and keep moving forward that counts ! You can do this !!:+1: