Relapsing again in again

Omg girl!!! Thats not ok what she did. Super disrespectful!!! U don’t need that and I’m so glad u listened to ur instincts and let her go! Amazing work :slight_smile:


First I threw out all the alcohol. Had a good dinner and trying to focus on one moment at a time. I will try not to look too far in the future and will come on this site as much as I can. I heard the book the naked mind is good and will get a copy. Also I will attend a zoom meeting. One day at a time I will work on my sobriety.

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So good to read this! I agree with @Butterflymoonwoman, removing toxic people is such a relief. And creates space for healing and new people to enter one’s life :orange_heart:

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That sounds like a good plan :hugs:
Keep it one day at a time, when necessary from minute to minute. And be kind to yourself. Healing takes time and detoxing is strenuous. Check out for the threads here, especially for support in early sobriety. I take multivitamin supplements regularly, maybe have a look on this topic too. Small inputs to help your body recover can have a huge positive impact on mental stability.
Keep us posted :sunflower: ODAAT

10 days ago i was on same position but i always think of becoming sober but failed every time. Dont make long goals first prepare your mind and remind yourself in morning that i will do it today. if u fail again next day keep in ur mind that you have to do it. Take your decision while thinking of the bad what alcohol had done to you. Restart n restart with this thinking each time you fail. You can take some kind of Antabuse in morning time as it will create fear in you mind of not drinking in starting but remember antabuse will protect only if u have will. Day after day igonre your cravings 1 day then 2 day after 7 days you will be more cravingless. Watch videos related to alcohol abuse n their stories of recovery daily n problems created by alcohol … n dont think alcohol as a problem think it as a disease and you have to recover from it anyhow.

Had a good day yesterday and a good sleep too. Off to work today

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Yes Panku, changing my mindset on this really made a difference. I keep reminding myself it’s my brain having the craving…not ME!!! I really truly don’t want a drink, but my brain chemistry is all messed up and the more I go without and with each craving I beat, the healthier my brain will become and the less it will try to trick me into feeling like I **NEED ** alcohol.