really dont want to drink. have signed back up to the gym so going tomorrow after work to relieve stress. have been binging so badly i have been blacking out. on antidepressants and im not giving them a chance to work. feel like a failure everytime i reset the clock on this app. which ill admit i must have done about 6 times at least
its affecting my relationships my job and my health. the blackouts are whats worst and the huge hangovers. hate doing this to myself.
I am in the same boat, only when I am drinking does the pain go. but then comes the hangover
it really really sucks i feel like i have no self control
thank you @Oliverjava tonight i prepped meals and i am going to the gym tomorrow. hope you are doing ok!
I am in the same boat. I reset this app either daily or every other day. I can’t believe how easily I just give in Today is a new start. I need it to be my last new start.
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I think if I get used to not using it as an emotional crutch it will be easier. problems are always soo much worse tbe day after drinking. i want to get healthy and i just cant this way.