
Having a really rough day. 25 days in. So hard to not drink today. First day I’ve really thought about abandoning everything


You’ve done the right thing and came here before and not after, stay bc the last place to be right now is alone in your own head. We got ya, We know how you feel and you are not alone so take advantage of this wonderful community that only want you to be sober.


Make a list of why you want to get sober, remind yourself why you are doing this. This too shall pass

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I’m on day 25 and I feel like so many people on here are pros… with such long sober dates. Don’t quit now!! We have done the hardest bit! But not enough for new habits to have formed … I want to be a pro too!! Be one with me :slight_smile:


Don’t under estimate yourself bc for people on day 1 your a living miracle right now :grin: congratulations on your 25 days that’s huge :+1:


Winning against those intense feelings makes you stronger every time. Each sober day is a victory. You can hopefully see from the previous posts (and this one) that you’re not alone. We understand this feeling and all want you to get through it.

Please think about what you can write in the morning when you have made it through. And how amazing you’re going to feel.

Thinking positive thoughts for you :crossed_fingers:


Hey y’all thank you. I’m better. Had a calm down come back to earth moment. I realized I think the urge is a knee jerk reaction to a bad coping mechanism. Thank you for support


Hi @IZZY1, well done on getting through that craving. And well done for reaching out before a possible relapse. It took me a long time to learn to reach out like you did above. Every time you survive the craving and come out the other side you get a little bit stronger in your sobriety. I’m so proud of you! Remember…our thoughts can not make us pick up. They try, boy do they try! But they can not physically lift the glass. Great work! I hope you have a really good day :pray:t2::two_hearts:


Thank you so much for that reminder! I really appreciate it :slight_smile:


I’m happy to hear reading through you stuck with your sobriety, this happens, but when those tests hit you, trust me wait it out, wait it out some more and wait it out, it always get better and withdrawal episodes happen you’re a human with addictions and it’s not your fault your brain tells you to grab something to drink. Big congratulations my friend good job :metal: keep walking towards the light, stay strong stay sober

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Someone told me the other day when I had an urge… It’s natural, it’s totally natural because past behaviour has wired your brain that way… but you can make a new path, see a craving it an urge as a chance to do rewiring!