
What should I do about this, my ex the one I was in my active addiction with. I’m clean and so is she, but the thing is with her being with the dude that she cheated on me with and he’s in jail well is it bad for me to hangout with her.


Nope. Both clean is fine, but if she has a fella regardless of his situation its just asking for heartache and stress.


Hanging out with exes is always a sticky situation I feel like. Do you still have feelings for her? Is it something you’d maybe like to see if there’s potential? I usually prefer to cut exes off and completely move on. Getting back together with an ex is like re-watching a movie and expecting a different ending.


It depends on what you mean by hanging out. If it’s strictly a platonic relationship, then it’s fine as long as her current fella knows about it. If there’s potential for more, then it’s not a good idea. Once feelings get involved, it could be hazardous to both of your sobriety.


I think it’s a horrible idea to hang out with her.
I don’t think she has feelings for you. I think she would prefer to be with the man in jail.

And when he gets out, I think she’ll go back to chasing after him, not you.

I feel by making yourself too available to her when she wants to hang out with you will make you less desirable. There are plenty of people to hang around with that will edify and support you. Choose to spend your time with them, not with some dog that won’t appreciate your time and company in the long run. If she’ll cheat on you once, she’ll do it again.


I agree with what everyone above has said. And I think in these types of situations if you need to ask other people what they think, then you’ve already answered your own question.