Aloha Everyone,
I am happy to have made 48 hours and in an effort to make this stint in recovery stick, I am committed to doing a lot of things differently… specifically EVERYTHING. The scariest of which is fully exposing myself in hopes to help another.
I believe that the only way we can really keep something is by giving it away, so every day I dedicate my sobriety to someone in this forum who’s impacted and inspired me the day before. Today I dedicate my next 24 hours to @SoberSteph , thank you for the LOL’s during last nights chat, they literally made me laugh out loud, thank you @SoberSteph , @Dan_Alexander , and as always, @Oliverjava
Like most addicts, Im always looking for a ‘quick fix’ so when I’m committed to sobriety I turn to healthier kinds of ingestables fixes to make me feel less dead.
My whole world was blown when I watched the documentary “Food Matters” and saw an excerpt about how Niacin can help alcoholism, anxiety, and depression. I’ve since spent a lot of time researching how to supplement my diet to make up for the havoc I’ve wreaked on it.
Here is a link to the segment that changed my view on isolated vitamin therapy, but I recommend you watch the entire “Food Matters” documentary when you have time.
Its been said that, ‘we are what we eat’. But I think by contrast we are also incomplete from what we neglect to take in. We lack energy, focus, and good sleep patterns, most of which we start to see come back when our bodies are no longer loosing precious B’s through our alcohol and drug laden urine. Many people will see these things return quicker if they add a high quality, bio available, vitamins (especially B complex) into their recovery regimen AND IN HIGH DOSES. If we drank in high doses or used drugs and pills in high doses- the B complex should be taken in doses. The worst thing it will do to you is turn your pee orange and give you a ‘niacin flush’, which is actually a pretty welcomed side affect for the average alchy, but you can get flush free niacin too.
I really like the book, “The Vitamin Cure for Alcoholism” by Abram Hoffer and Andrew Saul. There are GREAT articles and youtube videos as well on addiction, anxiety, and vitamin therapy. After all, all the hurt we’ve inflicted upon ourselves, gulping down a few vitamins can only help.
For me, taking a holistic approach to addiction is VERY important because it helps me not to obsess over NOT DRINKING but to focus on LIVING and HEALING my mind, body, and spirit.
We all deserve a second chance at a ‘happily ever after’. Today I celebrate such a day with one of my fosters (turned forever friend) as he turns 8 months old. From a litter who almost didn’t make it, to 8 months, 80lbs, and wearing my sobriety dates on his dog tag, aloha and all of our love from my little miracle and I. We all rescue each other.
follow our journey via instagram @naturehippyhi