Replacing comfort that alcohol used to give


I had to skip class today and barely made it home on the bus because of my hangover. I’m so tired of being sick all the time.

I drink for several reasons (stress, anxiety, social anxiety, feelings of anger towards my relationship) and I know meditation can help me, but I feel like it hasn’t been helping me lately.

How do you replace the thought in your mind that alcohol is comfort, when in reality is puts me out on my ass for entire days. How do you not forget this when you’re out seeing people drinking and having a good time?


Try thinking of all the shitty times you had while drinking?
Anytime i see people drinking i watch the progression they go through from their first drink til how ever many…
Then i think back on how i used to be and my old progressions while drinking and it makes me sick to my stomach!


Hmm…I never thought of watching the progression. I usually cave and have one before that happens…


Hi @Dezemberstar there’s lots of things I could say, I’m a recovering alcoholic and have been sober for nearly year. I was drinking a litre of vodka a day 24/7 and got so sick that for me enough was enough and I had to stop drinking. I wanted to stop drinking and got help in a rehab and aa. I would say to you that if you want to stop drinking you can’t do it alone, you need help and support. Its great that you can identify why you drink but untill you put the drink down nothing will really work ( you mentioned meditation) it’s possible to live a life without alcohol if you are willing to try though its not easy to begin with, have you sought any help previously?


I agree with @Oliverjava
It helps to write it out, to yourself or on here.
I went to a wedding recently and It was very hard I watched as a best friend of mine and all our friends and her family got drunk and had a blast and I was so jealous, but my husband pointed out the sloppy girls and let me know that was me if I decided to drink.
I cried on the way home.partly out of frustration feeling like I was being told not to do something even though this is my choice, but also out of embarrassment that THAT is how I was and that’s how people saw me.
I’m getting stronger one day at at time, one event at a time.
You know I thought it was impossible to go out and not drink…turns out that’s a huge fricken lie . lol
When you go without it, you’ll see what I mean.


I definitely drank for those reasons.I also get social anxiety and hiding it through alcohol mainly.Now that I don’t drink I have a love/hate view about it but I’m ready to grow that into just love.Give yourself the chance to love yourself. To stop giving a shit what other people are thinking, if you say or do something weird.Everyones awkward and weird really.


I haven’t
I’m completely ashamed to admit this problem.

I mean I told a doctor once and they send me for tests I was fine for and told me to stop…I moved cities and I did stop for about 8 months but here I am

I can see this being extremely motivating …thank you :purple_heart:

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When you get clean, work on your steps, find clean and sober to be around… In 29 years I have been in and out and around the programs I have seen and have been a person who has hung out with others who still drank or used you may not the first time 2nd time ya don’t know… I do know I have never seen it work either for me or for others… Slippery places, slippery people, slippery behavior leads to a fall which I don’t KNOW if i can get up again…

I know what you mean about the comfort, and I guess you just need to replace it for now. I have been having a lot of cups of herbal tea, I’m sick of fucking tea! So I just try to space it out to 2 per evening and enjoy it. I also have a bath most nights, listen to a podcast. I used to do that with wine but it’s fine without. Another time when I stopped I bought non alcoholic Red wine, its actually not bad. The other day I had a social event and took non alcoholic champagne, and I didn’t miss drinking at all.


Hi! I just joined…and reading this was very helpful…that was me as well…I have been 3 days sober thus far…I hope I can keep going.

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@GriffenK It’s entirely possibly for you to do it.Alot of us are so easy to cave when we see other people drinking and having fun, we have this fear of missing out.We are NOT missing out.When we drink we miss out.We miss out on inner growth, coping skills, our body misses out on health, we miss out on the next day since we are still so hung over.Every day I wake up without a hangover I am so excited…its literally adding more days to your life.
You can do it.I had 6 days at the most I’ve ever been sober in years and now I’m day 59 I believe.

From my experience those situations and actions have led me back to active addiction… Be careful…