Reset timer. AGAIN

Me too everyone. I made it 5 months and then the last month I’ve been drinking quite frequently. Time to get that head right before I go right back to my pattens. We are in it together at least.


I have a hard time with not drinking. Was so proud to have made it to day 4 without a reset…so what do I do? End up doing lines last night with people from work. Ffs. Even last night I was giving myself shit and wondering what the hell is wrong with me.


It’s part of the recovery process. Everyone who ever got sober can tell you that they had slips…multiple…before it stuck. Hang on tight and remember why you started. Xoxo


Trying to be free from Alcohol


Hey everyone. I’m checking in for accountability. Day 2. I’m determined to quit for good this time specifically to keep the weight off!!! Thanks for all the replies: let’s all check in here daily for accountability and include that day you’re on.


I’m from Mississippi. I’m good!!! Hit the gym this morning about to clean house. How are you??


Hit reset again . It’s ok. You CAN do this. Check in daily on here for accountability

Yes you’ve got all of us right there with you. 5 months is amazing

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40 days?! That’s impressive. I can usually only get to 3. I’m on day 2 (again).

Day 2 so far so good. How are you today

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Yes I agree with you 100%. It’s not worth it

Ok. Just threw me when the number on the scale is your “last straw”, but if it’s enough to get you on the path, then saddle up.

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Yeah we all know that. This is just people connecting with each other over the pain of redesigning their personal quit strategy. Calm down preacher.

Easy mate, she was just trying to help. It can be hard seeing people struggle :slightly_smiling_face:


Ive reset more times than I can imagine. Never give up and keep pressing forward. Im 8 months sober today and had a black belt in drinking beer.

Please everyone, dont lose hope. Talk to someone. Come to this forum daily or more. If I can do it, you can too. Much love to you all.


I’m sorry but you should not attack an old-timer here. Usually the people here with some stable sobriety are making a lot of sense. Stick to them. Listen to them and read a lot on here. Don’t all get together on one thread and tell each other that resetting is normal and not avoidable. I think @keiti wants to help you not to preach. But helping one another is only working when it is accepted…


@anon35096624 @anon13078412 @keiti
All this is, is a thread for people who are restarting to encourage each other and realize they aren’t alone. It has already become a spot for some of us to check in daily to encourage each other. Your judgment of this thread “ This is like #metoo campaign gone wrong.” Was unwarranted. I’m glad you did it calmly for whatever that’s worth.

Not everyone needs to be told your opinion just because you’ve been here a long time when they are going through this. I’m glad it worked for you and I hope you keep succeeding.

I tried to quit for 22 years…the day I quit listening to myself, and started seeking advice was the day I stayed sober.


Here’s me trying again. Hope it lasts longer than 2 weeks. Fingers crossed. I just need to keep away from bottle stores. And find other ways of coping with the craving. We can do this. :sunflower::sunflower:


2 weeks is a good amount of time. Good for you for restarting. Never give up.

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